NETWORK TRAFFIC Jeffrey Klow, Paul German, Emily Andrulis, and Ben Oakley
Getting the Data Talk to the Tims Decreasing resolution -> Ask for additional data sets for each day Find out bandwidth
Loading into R Merging both internet providers Changing UNIX timestamp Removing first row header Add variable for percentage of bandwidth
Future Data Issues Still have incoming data until Wednesday Merging into one big data set Megabytes vs. megabits for max bandwidth
What do we want to know? What does internet usage look like for the average week at Cornell? When is there the most network traffic? What day? What time? When is there the least network traffic? What day? What time? What time slots use the maximum amount of bandwidth? What percentage of our total bandwidth are we using throughout the day? How does this compare for different days in the same week? How does this compare across different months in the year?
A First Look at the Data Noticed spikes at midnight and 9-11 AM Preliminary graphs
Visualizing the Data Static graphs Plotting usage over time in one day, using different colors to represent upload/dowload averages and maximums of both primary and secondary providers Plotting usage over year long time Plotting usage of many days in the same 24 hour time span Comparing boxplots of the data usage for different days in the week
Advanced Graphics Animated Graphs Plotting usage over a two day time period, where the area under the line fills over time Interactive Graphs Allow user to set the day and time of day and then show the average incoming and outgoing data usage, and the maximum incoming and outgoing
Working as a Team! Emily Static visuals Jeff Animated visuals, merging the data Paul Interactive visuals
Questions? Suggestions?