Nikki Rooker 2 nd Grade Room
ABOUT ME Originally from PA. BA in Spanish from Dickinson College MEd (PK-6) Marymount University 2008 3 kids of my own
First Days / Weeks of School Make sure students get into a routine They know how they are getting home and if it changes you MUST send a note Complete all paperwork as soon as possible Have fun and get to know their classmates and teacher
Behavior Management School wide – PBIS Class Room – Class Dojo Catch them being good and reward their positive behavior.
What do we study? Reading and Writing Pathways 90minutes – 2 hours daily working on Reading and Writing Word Study
What do we study? Math Number and Number Sense Computation and Estimation Measurement Geometry Probability and Statistics Patterns, Functions, and Algebra
What do we study? Science Scientific Investigation Magnets Matter Animals and Habitats Weather Life Cycles Plants
What do we study? Social Studies Communities and Citizenship Famous Americans Geography / Maps American Indians Ancient Civilizations Economics Mexico and Canada
Assessments ~Grade-level Assessments ~Math Pre & Post Tests ~PALS & DRA (fall & spring) ~CogAT (spring) -reasoning abilities -verbal -quantitative -nonverbal
Grading Second Grade Progress Indicators E= Exceeds Standards M =Meets Standards P = Progressing Towards Standards B = Performing Below Standards
Clarity Parent Portal The link has changed: It will open on October 2, Login information does not carry over year-to- year. If you had access last year, you will need to submit a new account request form for the school year.
Homework A total of 30 minutes each week night Each night 1 page of math homework 1 Word Study activity plus sorting words 15 minutes of reading Weekly Reading Reflection due every Friday Quarterly One at home project
Our Schedule Monday – Tuesday – Wednesday – Thursday – Friday – Lunch is from
Thank you for coming tonight. with any questions or concerns