PracticeMed PracticeMed® automates the process of schedule creation for doctors As the medical world advances, so does doctor scheduling. You'll find everything you need to keep your practice scheduled conveniently. The product is developed as “Software as a Service” which enables needed improvisations and easy implementations. This ensures that your technology needs will be met not only for today and but also in the future! At PracticeMed, ensures to elevate your practice and offer a valuable service to your patients
For Doctors Online Scheduler You can schedule, reschedule your appointments at ease. You can also view your appointments on the go. Automatic alerts are generated every morning for you to plan the day
For Doctors Accommodate multiple clinics Even if you consult in multiple clinics for different time slots, you can easily manage the same. You can also run reports on the total appointments in each of the clinics. Delegate responsibility It is not necessary that you have to manage all your appointments. You can also delegate it to your office assistants and they can manage the queue on your behalf. Also, you can revoke access in seconds.
For Doctors Maintain the Patient’s records electronically You can manage the patient's records in PracticeMed. You can upload all the necessary reports, manage the history and store the prescriptions online! Ease of use Practicemed is a very simple tool. Basic computer literacy is enough to handle the tool.
For Doctors Highly Available The complete solution is hosted online and is available at your service 24/7. No need to depend on anybody. Just get online, use your used id and password and your office is online!
For the Patients Book Appointments You can now book your appointment with your doctor from the convenience of your home. You can check for your availability and book an appointment.
For the Patients View your medical records Now all your medical records like x- ray, scan at the like online. You can view them and the diagnosis made by the doctor. You can also share them if required Print Prescriptions Misplacing prescriptions will be a thing of the past. You can always get online and print the prescription whenever needed.
For the Patients Doctors Search Search for your favorite doctors online