War of Currents-1880 AC DC George Westinghouse (Westinghouse) and Nikola Tesla Europe Transformer to step-up or down voltage Thomas Edison (Edison Electric America 1 At very high voltages, (current small) losses are lower in wires AC won the war, mainly due to advantage of using transformers with AC, in 1903.
Fun Facts about AC The electric current from outlets in your home is AC(120V). AC has frequency associated. In the United States, the alternating current (AC) has 60 cycles each second. In Europe, the frequency of electricity is at 50Hz. If you are travelling to Europe or Asia, you will need an adapter to use the electrical appliances from US. The prongs are different too. 2
Flow of electrons and direction of current Electrons flow from negative terminal to positive terminal Current flows from positive terminal to negative terminal Current direction is opposite to the flow of electrons!!!! 3
VoltageCurrentResistance SeriesV1+V2+V3SameR=R1+R2+R3 ParallelSameI1+I2+I31/R=(1/R1)+(1/R2)+(1/R3) 4 Ammeter always connected in series Voltmeter always connected in parallel Alternating Current (AC) – current flows in both directions alternately Direct Current - current is flowing in only one direction STORY of AC and DC war
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