Copy Aim #4, Do Now, HW #2 THREE HANDOUTS: (1) Two different articles (2) HW #2 due Monday Aim #4: What is the importance of dendrites in neurons? Do Now: Independently, in complete sentences. (3 minutes) (1)What is the basic functional unit of the nervous system? (2)How can we compare it to the endocrine system? Why? Bonus: Why do the myelin sheath and Nodes of Ranvier help with transmitting an electrical signal? HW #2: Nervous System and Senses Packet due MONDAY
Agenda Do Now and Review Review of Neurons Overview of pair activity Pair Activity – finish neuron booklet from yesterday, add on information on dendrites to back side Graded as Performance Task Share finished product and information with the class Exit Tickets
Review on Neurons New parts 1.Schwann Cells: make myelin 2.Axon Terminals: the end part of an axon
Pair Work – Complete Booklet on Construction Paper TITLE of the back side – DENDRITES Do not copy directly from the text. Paraphrase for full credit, and you may write in bullet points. Partner 1: Use “What is the Function of Dendrites?” Handout 1) Primary function of the dendrites 2) Types of neurons mentioned (two types are mentioned) 3) How can function and structure of dendrites be altered or changed? Partner 2: Activity in dendrites is critical in memory formation 1) What is dendrite activity being linked to in this article? Be specific. 2) How did scientists find this out? Describe the studies done in the article, and the materials used (microscopes, etc.). 3) Where in the brain is this happening?
Class Review
Exit Tickets Independent, in at least two complete sentences per question. 1)What is the importance of dendrites on the neuron? 2)How is the neuron related to how our brain functions in life? Think about the studies you read on memory, depression.