CPO and CTA Filing Requirements March 19, 2015 Tracey Hunt, Associate Director, Compliance Mary McHenry, Associate Director, Compliance Cesar Alvarez, Deputy Chief Compliance Officer, Lighthouse Partners
2 Pool Quarterly Reports and Form PR Form and Process CFTC Form Process for making changes How Help Text is developed
3 Pool Quarterly Reports and Form PR NFA’s review and use of PQRs and PRs Compliance department structure Risk analysis Relationship data ROR vs. net income Conversations between firm and NFA staff
4 Managing a firm’s regulatory filings Role of Compliance and other groups/areas Process Documenting assumptions Reconciliations Responding to NFA staff inquiries CPO’s Approach to Filings
June 30, 2014 filing, Notice to Members I and I September 30, 2014 filing, Notice to Members I December 31, 2014 filing March 31, 2015 filing CFTC Staff Letter Recent Changes to Forms 5
6 Relationships Maintain records of the start and end dates for the various relationships Firms can change start dates, but only NFA can change end dates To restart a relationship that was previously ended, new start date must be after previous end date, or firm will be unable to add the relationship (see next screen) Common Filing Deficiencies
Relationships (cont’d) 7
End date should be prior to reporting date if you want to remove it from that filing, i.e. if a pool incorrectly appears on the 12/31/14 CTA PR, the relationship should be ended using a date prior to 12/31/14 Trading manager relationship carries over between CPO PQR and CTA PR Relationship Management screen Common Filing Deficiencies 8
PQR includes pools that should not have a filing requirement Discrepancies between current and prior filings (e.g. NAV or investments) Reporting on programs in the CTA PR Common Filing Deficiencies 9
Transferring a Pool to Another CPO Transferring pools via the Questionnaire 10
11 Transferring a Pool to Another CPO Enter the name of the pool
Transferring a Pool to Another CPO 12
Once the pool is selected, it will appear in your pool list The previous CPO can now delete the pool via the questionnaire, and indicate that it no longer operates the pool Transferring a Pool to Another CPO 13
Transferring a Pool to Another CPO 14
Transferring a Pool to Another CPO 15 Transferring pools via the Exemption System
Search by pool name, similar to Questionnaire Once the pool is selected, it will be added to the firm’s list and the co-CPO column will include “View Firms” Now the previous firm can remove itself as a co-CPO by selecting the applicable pool on the Exemption Index The Pool/Exemption Management screen allows the firm to end the co- CPO relationship Transferring a Pool to Another CPO 16
Transferring a Pool to Another CPO 17
Exemptions do not always carry over and must be filed by each CPO, as applicable Do not create a new pool—the historical information will not transfer If the transfer involves a non-member, you must NFA at Transferring a Pool to Another CPO 18
New cover page in EasyFile Required questions specific to the pool and its operations One new Key Financial Balance, Redemptions Receivable from Other Funds NFA Notice to Members I Annual Report Filing Requirements 19
CFTC Letter No , Consolidation between Registered Investment Companies and Wholly Owned subsidiaries Firm must update NFA records, in accordance with Notice to Members I CFTC Letter No , Consolidation between Certain Commodity Pools and Wholly Owned Subsidiaries Currently annually updated by NFA Proposed exemption filing with NFA Consolidation 20
21 Update the Annual Questionnaire to delete or cease a pool, and provide specifics Liquidation Statements
22 “ Ceased Trading” date Liquidation Statements
23 Impact on PQRs Disclosure to pool participants Audited by CPA unless waivers are obtained Required components of a liquidation statement Circumstances that do not represent a “liquidated pool” Switching from 4.7 to 4.13 exempt pool Ceased trading commodity interests Temporary cessation of trading Other regulatory requirements other than CFTC Liquidation Statements
24 CFTC relief for CTA PR filing Third-party recordkeeping rules Fund-of-Fund guidance Exemption/exclusion annual affirmation process CFTC FAQs CPO and CTA Hot Topics
25 NFA’s website: Form PQR and Form PR templates updated quarterly 2014 Tutorial, “Common PQR Filing Deficiencies” 2013 Webinar, “Quarterly Reporting Requirements for CTAs” Technical Support NFA’s Information Center (800) , or (312) Resources
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