IEEE MEDIA INDEPENDENT HANDOVER DCN: Title: Higher layer services and information IEs Date Submitted: March 2006 Authors or Source(s): Qiaobing Xie for Higher Layer Services and information IE ad-hoc Team Abstract: This document describes the background and meeting summary of Higher Layer Services and information IE ad-hoc session (held on 2/14/06)
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Higher layer services and information IEs What we already have: IP subnets (per PoA) PoA capabilities bitmap (per PoA) Security Available (y/n) QoS Available (y/n) Internet Access Available (y/n) IP Version 4 supported (y/n) IP Version 6 supported (y/n) Emergency Services available (y/n) Others Newly proposed: IP address configuration method supported (per PoA?) Discussed. Need more clarification about the definition and use cases. No conclusion reached. DHCP address (per PoA or per AN?) Discussed. No conclusion reached about the necessity and usefulness of this IE. No conclusion about how to relate it to the current DHCP protocol. AAA address (per PoA or per AN?) not discussed. Others? Not discussed. Chair agreed to continue the discussion at another ad-hoc at March f2f meeting
How to incorporate the new IEs (Option 1) Option 1: Add them in parallel to the existing IEs in Table 6 under per PoA higher layer services/info. For example: No Name of Information Element DescriptionRepresentation Length (octets) 4.3TYPE_IE_POA_IP _CONFIG_METH ODS IP address configuration method supported bitmap 4.4TYPE_IE_POA_ DHCP_ADDR DHCP addressIP address 4.5TYPE_IE_POA_ AAA_ADDR AAA addressIP address
How to incorporate the new IEs (Option 2a) Option 2a: Add them to the existing POA capabilities IE in Table 6 (of cause we no longer can use the bitmap representation): No Name of Information Element DescriptionRepresentation Length (octets) 4.2TYPE_IE_POA_ CAPABILITIES A list of PoA capabilities Security Available Y/N QoS Available Y/N Internet Access Available Y/N IP Version 4 supported Y/N IP Version 6 supported Y/N Emergency Services Y/N IP Address config methods bitmap DHCP address IP addr AAA address IP addr (Others) variable
How to incorporate the new IEs (Option 2b) Option 2b: Should there be an Access Network specific capabilities IE in Table 6? No Name of Information Element DescriptionRepresentation Length (octets) 2.7TYPE_IE_AN_ HIGH_LAYER_ CAPABILITIES A list of AN higher layer capabilities IP Address config methods bitmap DHCP address IP addr AAA address IP addr variable 4.2TYPE_IE_POA_ CAPABILITIES Bitmap of PoA capabilities Security Available Y/N QoS Available Y/N Internet Access Available Y/N IP Version 4 supported Y/N IP Version 6 supported Y/N Emergency Services Y/N (Others)