Flow Control over Sharp-Edged Wings José M. Rullán, Jason Gibbs, Pavlos Vlachos, Demetri Telionis Dept. of Engineering Science and Mechanics
Flow Control Team P. VlachosJ. RullanJ. Gibbs
Overview Background Facilities and models Experimental tools (PIV, pressure scanners, 7-hole probes) Results: 1.Aerodynamics of swept wings 2.Flow Control at high alpha 3.CONTROL SEPARATED FLOW (NOT SEPARATION) < Re < 10 6 Conclusions
Background Diamond-Planform, sharp-edged wings common on today’s fighter aircraft. Little understanding of aerodynamic effects at sweeping angles between 30° and 40° AOA.
Vorticity Rolling over Swept Leading Edges Sweep> 50 0 Sweep~45 0 Sweep~40 0
Background (cont.) Low-sweep wings stall like *unswept wings or *delta wings Dual vortex structures observed over a wing swept by 50 degrees at Re=2.6X104 (From Gordnier and Visbal 2005)
Yaniktepe and Rockwell Sweep angle 38.7 º for triangular planform Flow appears to be dominated by delta wing vortices Interrogation only at planes normal to flow Low Re number~10000 Control by small oscillations of entire wing
Facilities and models VA Tech Stability Wind Tunnel U ∞ =40-60 m/s Re≈1,200,000 44” span diamond- planform wing
Facilities and models Water Tunnel with U ∞ =0.25 m/s Re≈30000 CCD camera synchronized with Nd:YAG pulsing laser Actuating at shedding frequency
Wind Tunnel Model Model is hollow. Leading edge slot for pulsing jet 8” span diamond wing Flow control supplied at inboard half of wing
Facilities and models(cont.) planesz/cz/b planesx/c A0.28 B0.513 C0.746 D1.086
Data acquisition with enhanced time and space resolution ( > 1000 fps) Image Pre-Processing and Enhancement to Increase signal quality Velocity Evaluation Methodology with accuracy better than 0.05 pixels and space resolution in the order of 4 pixels Sneak Preview of Our DPIV System Time-Resolved DPIV
DPIV Digital Particle Image Velocimetry System III Conventional Stereo-DPIV system with: 30 Hz repetition rate (< 30 Hz) 50 mJ/pulse dual-head laser 2 1Kx1K pixel cameras Time-Resolved Digital Particle Image Velocimetry System I An ACL 45 copper-vapor laser with 55W and 3-30KHz pulsing rate and output power from 5-10mJ/pulse Two Phantom-IV digital cameras that deliver up to 30,000 fps with adjustable resolution while with the maximum resolution of 512x512 the sampling rate is 1000 frme/sec Time-Resolved Digital Particle Image Velocimetry System II : A 50W 0-30kHz 2-25mJ/pulse Nd:Yag Three IDT v. 4.0 cameras with 1280x1024 pixels resolution and 1-10kHz sampling rate kHz frame-straddling (double-pulsing) with as little as 1 msec between pulses Under Development: Time Resolved Stereo DPIV with Dual-head laser 0-30kHz 50mJ/pulse x1200 time resolved cameras …with build-in 4th generation intensifiers
Actuation Time instants of pulsed jet (a) (b) (c)
PIV Results Velocity vectors and vorticity contours along Plane D no controlcontrol
PIV results (cont.) Planes 2(z/b= 0.209) and 3 (z/b= 0.334) with actuation. Plane 2 Plane 3
Results (cont.) Plane A, control, t=0,t=T/8
Results (cont.) Plane A, control, t=2T/8,t=3T/8
Results (cont.) Plane A, control, t=4T/8,t=5T/8
Results (cont.) Plane A, control, t=6T/8,t=7T/8
Results (cont.) Plane 8, t=0 No controlControl
Results (cont.) Plane 8, t=T/8 No controlControl
Results (cont.) Plane 8, t=2T/8 No controlControl
Results (cont.) Plane 8, t=3T/8 No controlControl
Results (cont.) Plane 8, t=4T/8 No controlControl
Results (cont.) Plane 8, t=5T/8 No controlControl
Results (cont.) Plane 8, t=6T/8 No controlControl
Results (cont.) Plane 8, t=7T/8 No controlControl
Results (cont.) Plane 9, t=0 No controlControl
Results (cont.) Plane 9, t=T/8 No controlControl
Results (cont.) Plane 9, t=2T/8 No controlControl
Results (cont.) Planes B and C, control
Results (cont.) Plane D, no control and control
Flow animation for Treft planes
Circulation variation over one cycle Plane A Plane B Plane A Plane C Plane D
Circulation Variation (cont.) Plane C Plane D
Pressure ports location Spanwise blowing nozzles
ESM Pressure 13 AOA for Station 3 Half flap Full flap
ESM Pressure 13 AOA for Station 4 Half flap Full flap
ESM Pressure 13 AOA for Station 5 Half flap Full flap
ESM Pressure 13 AOA for Station C Half flap Full flap
Pressure distributions for α=13 0. Stations 5-7 Stations 8-10
Pressure distributions for α=17 0. Stations 5-7 Stations 8-10
Conclusions WITH ACTUATION: Dual vortical patterns are activated and periodically emerge downstream Vortical patterns are managed over the wing Suction increases with control Oscillating mini-flaps and pulsed jets equally effective Flow is better organized Steady point spanwise blowing has potential
Future Work Study effect of sweep with new model Explore the frequency domain Identify local “3-D actuators” to control these 3-D flow fields Aim at controlling forces and moments