May 18 to July 1863 in Warren County Mississippi By: Diana Chumbay
This battle began when to groups. The Confederates had blockaded the Mississippi River by planting heavy batteries on bluffs at Vicksburg and Port Hudson. These formed connections between the Confederates on each side of that stream, and it was important to break those connections.
Ulysses S. Grant from Unite States and his army from Tennessee a cross the Mississippi River and John C. Pemberton from CSA. They were fighting on Vicksburg, investing the city and entrapping a Confederate army under Lt. Gen. John Pemberton.
The battle of Vicksburg was significant because the South was cut of the West after the Union took control over the Mississippi rive.
In July 4,1863 the Union have the victory over the battle of Vicksburg and the Mississippi river goes to the Union. This battle was the one that won the civil war.