Hindsight is Keep that in mind. The Civil War reminded us that we have to make decisions on the fly and the Civil War was as much of a war of mistakes as it was about defining our country’s image. Question: If you’re the Union, what is your goal? If you’re the Confederates, what is your goal in all this?
Fall of Fort Sumter Assumption on both sides that it would be a short war. Small Forces for both sides. Major Battles First Battle of Bull Run – Confederacy wins, shows that war will be long and drawn out Battle of Wilson’s Creek – First major battle west of the Mississippi River Battles concentrated in Virginia, Missouri, Kentucky Leaders Gen. George B. McClellan – Union Confederacy – No formal leader, Jefferson Davis calls shots Capture of 2 Confederate Officials by US Navy on Nov. 8. Another war with Britain?
Virginia, July 21 st Early Morning: Union forces chip away at the sides of the Confederates Problems: Waterways, Bridges Noon: Jackson’s Stand – Maybe a mistake and miscommunication BUT inspired the troops and allowed him to assert control over the main attacking portion of the Army.
Major Battles Capture of Fort Henry & Fort Donelson – Union cuts off key rivers of the Confederacy Monitor vs. Merrimac – Naval Battle, ironclad ships Shiloh – More men die here than in all wars combined up to this point New Orleans captured by Union Seven Days Battle – Lee defeats McClellan Antietam – Bloodiest single day of war, 23,000 die Fredericksburg – Union loses 2x amount of men, shows inept Union leaders
Leaders Robert E. Lee – Confederacy – given full command Union McClellan is fired after Antietam (Sept) Replaced by Gen. Ambrose Burnside, Burnside fired after Fredericksburg Replaced by General Joseph Hooker Fighting takes place in Virginia, Tennessee, Kentucky Fighting expands further south but Lee takes war north at the end of the year Emancipation Proclamation Frees slaves in non-Union territories Makes war about slavery
Union learns lesson, doesn’t get backed up by waterways Fought more in open field Lee has the advantage of numbers Communication will be lost for Union Concentration vs. Spread
Non-Battle related issues Draft for Military – Get out for $300 Anti-draft Riots – Murder of Blacks by Poor Whites, Army has to subdue Lincoln meets with Frederick Douglass Major Battles Chancellorsville – Lee’s genius: splits army twice, Stonewall Jackson shot by his own men, Lincoln loses faith in Hooker Siege of Vicksburg – Cuts off Confederacy’s actions west of Mississippi, Grant becomes hero, Confederacy loses 7x amount of men as the Union, splits Confederacy army in two Gettysburg – turning point of war, bloodiest battle, ends Confederacy’s hopes of northern invasion Siege of Chattanooga – Union escapes siege, Confederacy fails to crush Union’s army
War will primarily be fought in Louisiana, Mississippi, Tennessee, Virginia Gettysburg South will fight for survival after failure With army split in two (Vicksburg), Union strategy becomes entrapment Meade wins but fails to follow up victory Gettysburg Address 5 different copies/versions exist Makes war appeal to deepest emotions Reiterates the values of the Declaration of Independence Renews optimism in Union for victory
Lincoln appoints Grant to head Union Army 5 th Commander, Who else was there? Last ditch effort for Union New tactics Overwhelm with men and munitions Total War – Not in killing but in destruction Sherman – Takes Atlanta, March to Sea Fighting takes place in Western Confederacy Lee and Grant meet, Lee initially wins opening battles but is losing men and resources Lincoln defeats McClellan for Presidency
Thirteenth Amendment passed Lincoln inauguration “With malice towards none…” Last offensive of the Confederates Only two major forces remaining Grant breaks through Lee’s lines Final Stroke Richmond evacuated
Richmond burned and later captured by Union Surrender at Appomattox Court House Leniency towards Confederates April 9 th, 1865 April 14 th – Lincoln shot, dies a day later John Wilkes Booth found, shot dead Final surrender of remaining Confederate Forces End of War, now what?
How would you have done things differently? How did this shape our image? How many mistakes does it take before you get fired?