1 Digital Teaching Portfolios Natalie B. Milman, Ph.D. August 22, 2007
2 Participants will: 1.Gain an understanding of digital teaching portfolios 2.Explore some examples of digital teaching portfolios, and 3.Determine the advantages, disadvantages, and purposes for creating digital teaching portfolios as a faculty member.
3 What are Portfolios? Portfolios are goal-driven, organized, collections of materials that demonstrate a person's expansion of knowledge and skills over time. The contents, organization, and presentation of materials in portfolios vary depending on their audience and purpose.
4 What are Teaching Portfolios? Special type of presentation portfolio Contain artifacts from teaching Demonstrate deliberate selection, reflection, and communication revolving around the artifacts Illustrate a professional’s recognition of personal competence
5 What are Digital Teaching Portfolios? Contain the same content traditional portfolios include but present these professional materials in digital format Also referred to as multimedia portfolios, electronic portfolios, e-folios, webfolios and electronically-augmented portfolios
6 Let’s examine some! home.gwu.edu/~nmilman/citl
7 Questions to consider: 1.Which elements are common among all of the portfolios you have examined? 2.Why would you want to create a digital teaching portfolio as opposed to a traditional (print-based) portfolio (dossier)? 3.What are the advantages and disadvantages of using the World Wide Web for publishing a portfolio? 4.Which portfolios did you like most? 5.Which portfolios did you like least?
8 Contact Information Natalie B. Milman URL: home.gwu.edu/~nmilman/citl