Collective Versus Personalized Feedback: Which is Better or Worse? Tara L. Gallien, Ph.D. Northwestern State University August 10, 2007 MERLOT 2007
The Challenge for Online Instructors Inadequate faculty training. Inadequate faculty training. Increased communication demands. Increased communication demands. Reliance on written communication. Reliance on written communication. How do these affect faculty workload? Student satisfaction? And, ultimately, student learning? MERLOT 2007
Instructor Feedback “any message generated in response to a learner’s action” (Mason & Bruning, 1999, p.1) Lack of empirically-based research examining the role of feedback in e-learning? Lack of empirically-based research examining the role of feedback in e-learning? Prompt versus type of feedback. Prompt versus type of feedback. “Collective” versus “personalized” feedback. “Collective” versus “personalized” feedback. MERLOT 2007
Collective Feedback: Pros & Cons Constructed after instructor reviews responses to a particular assignment. Constructed after instructor reviews responses to a particular assignment. Summarizes aspects of the assignment from the various student perspectives -- Summarizes aspects of the assignment from the various student perspectives -- pointing out responses that were well written and informative, identifying and correcting common errors, clarifying misunderstandings, and making suggestions for improving responses on future assignments. pointing out responses that were well written and informative, identifying and correcting common errors, clarifying misunderstandings, and making suggestions for improving responses on future assignments. Not always easy to construct. Requires reflection of individual perspectives. Not always easy to construct. Requires reflection of individual perspectives. Can be publicly posted and/or sent to each student via . Can be publicly posted and/or sent to each student via . Typically 2 – 3 pages long, depending on type of assignment. Typically 2 – 3 pages long, depending on type of assignment. Based on a recent study (Gallien & Oomen, 2007), less time- consuming than personalized feedback. Based on a recent study (Gallien & Oomen, 2007), less time- consuming than personalized feedback.less time- consuming less time- consuming MERLOT 2007
Personalized Feedback: Pros & Cons Constructed after reviewing a student’s response to an assignment. Constructed after reviewing a student’s response to an assignment. Helps student 1) evaluate personal level of understanding, 2) identify errors and correct mistakes, 3) become aware of misconceptions, and 4) become motivated and encouraged to learn (Mason & Bruning, 1999). Helps student 1) evaluate personal level of understanding, 2) identify errors and correct mistakes, 3) become aware of misconceptions, and 4) become motivated and encouraged to learn (Mason & Bruning, 1999). Generally easier to construct -- only one perspective. Generally easier to construct -- only one perspective. Typically sent via to student. Typically sent via to student. Usually brief comments/suggestions – less than a page. Usually brief comments/suggestions – less than a page. More time-consuming than collective feedback. More time-consuming than collective feedback. More time-consuming More time-consuming Viewed more favorably by students compared to collective feedback (measured by level of satisfaction) (Gallien & Oomen, 2007). Viewed more favorably by students compared to collective feedback (measured by level of satisfaction) (Gallien & Oomen, 2007). Improved performance (measured by overall grade) (Gallien & Oomen, 2007). Improved performance (measured by overall grade) (Gallien & Oomen, 2007). MERLOT 2007
Feedback to Enhance Student Satisfaction and Performance Feedback can enhance… Social presence: the degree that individuals perceive others to be real in the online setting. Social presence: the degree that individuals perceive others to be real in the online setting. Community: the development of social networks and relationships that occur within the networks (Harris & Muirhead, 2004). Community: the development of social networks and relationships that occur within the networks (Harris & Muirhead, 2004). Feedback is a teacher immediacy behavior that enhances closeness by reducing the psychological distance (i.e., perceived distance) between individuals (Hackman & Walker, 1990). Feedback is a teacher immediacy behavior that enhances closeness by reducing the psychological distance (i.e., perceived distance) between individuals (Hackman & Walker, 1990). Feedback should be 1) corrective, 2) informative, and 3) socratic (ask questions instead of providing answers) (Blignaut and Trollip, 2003). Feedback should be 1) corrective, 2) informative, and 3) socratic (ask questions instead of providing answers) (Blignaut and Trollip, 2003). Students WANT it! Students NEED it! Is one of the most frequently mentioned concerns of online learners. Students WANT it! Students NEED it! Is one of the most frequently mentioned concerns of online learners. MERLOT 2007
New Ways to Deliver Feedback Audio Audio Video Video
Faculty Training… 1. Should emphasize importance of feedback to student learning. 2. Should provide tips for constructing quality, yet timely feedback. MERLOT 2007
Questions? Tara Gallien MERLOT 2007
Mean hours to prepare and disseminate feedback per treatment group. Personalized FeedbackPersonalized Feedback: M = 3.28 Collective FeedbackCollective Feedback:M = 1.72 p <.001 MERLOT 2007