Student Services Fee Wednesday, November 11,
World Rankings 2 Center for World University Rankings
A Great University In addition to its academic courses and majors, the modern university places focus on many aspects of life and support on campus, including: Safety & Prevention, Wellness, Engagement & Involvement, Employment, Leadership Skills, Study Skills & Tutoring, and Fun. 3
Funds Many Areas Total Allocations $ 9.4 million Honors Alliance Inclusion & Community Engagement Student Conduct & Community Standards Convocation Center Operations Compliance Student Activities Student Financial Aid Student Government Student Government Leader Fund Student Leadership Development Student Life Office/Dean of Students Office Tennis Center University Career Center University Center Operations 7
Funds Many Areas Ambassadors Cheerleaders Child Development Center Counseling Center Enrollment Services Center Ensemble Programs Forensics International Programs Music Performance Activities Financial Aid Support by OIT Testing Center Tomás Rivera Center: Tutoring and Supplemental Instruction 8
Student Services Fee Exists to fund services outside the classroom $15.40 per credit hour Max is 12 hours = $
Sustainability Fee has not increased since 2008 Costs go up every year Managed well –Through consolidating positions –Without layoffs –Maintained service to students 10
Recommendation 2.5% increase for 2017 Additional 38 cents per credit hour Equals $4.56 for 12 credit hours Approved by SSF committee 11
Increase to Fund in Program or InitiativeAmount Allocated Student Leadership Center Programming*$100,450 Psychiatrist and Residents$110,000 Higher One Collegiate Link, Campus Labs (RowdyLink)$ 39,000 Graduate Assistant, Volunteer Services$ 11,500 *Storytelling Series, Southwestern Black Leadership Conference, Texas Conference for Women, Civil Rights and Social Justice Experience
Recommendation 5.0% increase for 2018 Additional 79 cents per credit hour Equals $9.48 for 12 credit hours Will seek approval from SSF committee 14
Increase to Fund in Program or InitiativeAmount Allocated Roadrunner Days$ 248,361 Additional Counselors$ 195,000 Financial Aid Career Ladder$ 51,750 Education Advisory Board$ 28,350 Liability Insurance – Alamo (shared cost)$ 8,750 Student Traditions Programs*$ 15,000 *Midnight Light, Welcome Banners, True Colors, REACH, etc.
Committee Charge: Review the expenditures, meet with the administrators, and provide a written recommendation on the amount and the expenditure of a compulsory fee to be charged for the next year.
SSF Committee Chair Per protocol, at this time, we ask for a student volunteer to be the chair of this year’s committee. 19
SSF Budget Revenue Estimate$ 9,808,000 Allocations to date$ 9,258,299 Merit pool FY16 (3.00%)$ 180,000 Increases in benefits $ 200,000 Reserve for contingencies$ 157,701 and future year permanent merit Current available funds$0 20
SSF Allocations Student Affairs Total$7,759,253 Ambassadors$ 7,920 Cheerleaders$ 40,679 Child Development Center$ 138,600 Counseling Center$ 1,176,946 Enrollment Services Center$ 902,374 Honors Alliance$ 79,354 Inclusion & Community Engagement$ 189,057 Student Conduct & Community Standards$ 354,417 Convocation Center Operations$ 52,722 Compliance$ 65,106 Student Activities$ 989,903 Student Financial Aid$ 1,468,503 Student Government$ 47,173 Student Government Leader Fund$ 8,910 Student Leadership Development$ 217,300 Student Life Office$ 517,899 Tennis Center$ 14,702 University Career Center$ 1,423,020 University Center Operations$ 64,668 21
SSF Allocations Academic Affairs Total$1,511,046 Ensemble Programs$ 33,000 Forensics$ 94,476 International Programs$ 134,092 Music Performance Activities$ 7,000 OIT/FA Support$ 90,588 Testing Center$ 430,966 Tomás Rivera Student $ 720,924 Information & Retention 22
SSF Allocations One-Time Reserve Funds$4,139,219 ( ) Recurring One-Time (non-budgeted)$ 576,266 Counseling psych residents$ 110,000 Liability Insurance – Alamodome$ 10,187 Student Leadership Programming$ 92,200 Civil Rights Trip, SW Black Leadership Conference, Storytelling Series Campus Labs (Rowdy Link transcript + surveys)$ 36,894 Holiday Reception – student workers$ 3,646 Education Advisory Board/enrollment $ 28,350 Football Suite – student meeting with donors (food) $ 1,543 Cheerleaders – additional support$ 16,000 Continuing Education – students$ 4,943 Student Programming – Midnight Lights, welcome banners $ 14,486 Homecoming$ 7,048 Staff professional development$ 2,608 Roadrunner Days$ 248,361 23
SSF Allocations Limited Recurring One-Time$187,951 Roadrunner Statue$ 20,991 Student Meet & Greet or Discuss with VP$ 304 Late Night Breakfast$ 3,656 CAB Programming$ 25,000 Downtown Programming$ 25,000 Marching Band$ 65,000 Student Life Graduate Assistantships$ 24,000 Student Learning & Volunteer Services Grad Asst$ 24,000 Recurring One-Time$576,266 Limited Recurring One-Time$187,951 Total$764,217 24
SSF Reserve Account Balance$283,151 Types of expenditures: Equipment replacement Deferred maintenance Planned future operations (renovation, walls-up building, student building construction, etc.) 25
Proposed Expenditures 26 Program or InitiativeAmount Allocated Student Leadership Center Programming*$100,450 Psychiatrist and Residents$110,000 Higher One Collegiate Link, Campus Labs (RowdyLink)$39,000 Graduate Assistant, Volunteer Services$11,501 Program or InitiativeAmount Allocated Roadrunner Days$248,361 Additional Counselors$195,000 Financial Aid Career Ladder$51,750 Education Advisory Board$28,350 Liability Insurance – Alamo (shared cost)$8,750 Student Traditions Programs*$15,000
Proposed Expenditures FY17 Roadrunner Days$248,361 Student Leadership Program 110,450 Merit 180,000 Reserve 11,739 Total$550,050 FY18 Education Advisory Board$ 28,350 Roadrunner Days 248,361 Merit 180,000 Counseling Psych Residents 100,000 Reserve for Contingencies 15,586 Total$572,297 27
SSF Allocations Summary We do not have permanent funds to add programs. The last time SSF was increased was FY08. VPSA cannot request an increase. 28