Activating APP to Ensure Progression
Contents APP can impact upon student progress through its use for standardising assessment, monitoring and intervention at a curriculum level. APP can be an opportunity to review AFL in the English Classroom. APP can be an exciting way to re-invigorate schemes of work, lessons and activity banks.
Activating APP into the Curriculum
Planning Examples
Formal Assessments Surname Forename KS3 Forecast Eng Key Stage 3 Forecast Dec Progress Again FFT Forecast HTA 1 - SATs style novel test HTA 2 - Gothi c Story HTA 5 - WW1 Essay HTA 4 - Shak espea re BAKER Jamie BEDNARSKA Marta DAVIES Ben
Intervention Weeks & Personalised Units Year 7 - Spring 1 Intervention following autobiographical writing. Writing AF3 and AF4 Group 1Group 2Group 3Group 4 AF3 Level 3/4 Sequencing/op enings and closings AF3 Level 4/5 Building an overall structure and cohesion AF4 Level 3/4 Using paragraphs AF4 Level 4/5 Linking Paragraphs
Activating the Student Response Progress can only be ensured if the pupils are part of the process
Current Student Perceptions “Our students understand and value purpose, and we must have a classroom system that builds daily on practices that motivate students through their own learning.” D. Kafalas (Inspired Learners, Active Minds) “In English we just do different things.” “I always know what topic I’m doing in Science. Then we have a test on that subject to know I’ve learnt it all” “We did lots of things last year, but I never knew what we were going to do at the end of term at the beginning. Maybe that would have helped me do better in my level”
Student Ownership of APP
Impact of Student Voice on Lessons ‘Planning and clear objectives are important aspects of teaching - but then so is the cultivation of a sense of adventure in learning and reflection on experience’ ‘There is a parallel between the teacher’s and the novelists art - to be successful, the openings, especially of either a school lesson or a novel must both disclose and withhold information’
Learning Conversations and Feedback
Resourcing APP AF Wall AF Arrows
Modelling and Collaborative Learning
Collaborative Learning and APP Questioning Students must be taught that good readers and poor readers become confused as they read. The difference is that good readers know when they are confused and they ask questions. We model asking difficult questions to which we don't know the answers, and we publicly demonstrate our journey to answer those questions Wormeli, 2006 Written Conversations (AF6) What’s the impact of the narration at the start? Student 1Student 2 It seems really emotional, maybe because it’s first person. What do you think? I agree. But do we believe everything she is saying?
Activating APP in the Classroom Active learning shifts the focus from the teacher and delivery of course content to the student and active engagement with skills. (Gibson, 1998)
AF Teaching Strategies
Creating a Writing Culture
KS4 Transition
GCSE Pathways Year 9 Writing SOW: Commissions Speaking and Listening Units
Summary APP is more than a framework for assessment It can be an opportunity to review AFL strategies APP can refine and inspire new classroom approaches