Commercial Vehicles Many drivers believe that because commercial vehicles sit so high in the cab of their vehicle, they can see everything around them. This is wrong because there are huge blind spots, in front and back and on both sides, where the driver cannot see. These dangers are called “No Zones.” Smaller vehicles should avoid the “No Zone” areas since these spaces are where crashes are most likely to occur.
Passing Commercial Vehicles Maintain a constant speed. Before pulling in front and resuming normal speed, be sure you can see the entire front of the vehicle in your rearview mirror. Stay well in front of the commercial vehicle after passing, as it may take that vehicle a much longer distance to stop.
Side Blind Spots Don’t linger in Side Blind Spots. The commercial vehicle cannot see you. If the driver of the commercial vehicle needs to change lanes quickly, the automobile is in trouble.
Tailgaiting Do not tailgate Some motorists risk driving close behind a truck to take advantage of the draft. A trucks rear blind spot is deep – the driver cannot see your car, and you cannot see much either. If the truck has to slow down suddenly, a rear end collision can occur.
Wide Turns To make a right turn, big trucks must swing wide to the left before turning right. Do not cut between a truck and the curb or the shoulder on the right. If an automobile driver is approaching an intersection, as a commercial vehicle is about to turn onto the same street, the car driver should try to stop before they reach the stop sign/stop line.
Backing Up Never try to pass close behind a truck that is backing. This again puts the automobile in the commercial vehicles “No-Zone.”