2 Feeding the Beast
3 Basic Concepts Why are you communicating?Why are you communicating? Who are you trying to reach?Who are you trying to reach? What will you say? How will you say it?What will you say? How will you say it?
Target Audience 5
6 Demographics AgeAge IncomeIncome EducationEducation FamiliesFamilies School ChildrenSchool Children MinoritiesMinorities Non-English Speaking Special Needs Out-of-Town Workers Vacationers Transients
7 Know Their Attitudes Positive/Negative FeelingsPositive/Negative Feelings Towards your agency Towards your agency Towards the issue Towards the issue Understand the topic.Understand the topic.
The Media 8 TelevisionTelevision RadioRadio PrintPrint New MediaNew Media
9 The Media Always Wants These Answers: Who?Who? What?What? When?When? Where?Where? Why?Why? How?How?
Universal Needs Rapid responseRapid response AccessAccess InterviewsInterviews Meet deadlinesMeet deadlines 10
12 Credibility
13 Before the Interview You are in control.You are in control. Look professional.Look professional. Avoid sunglasses.Avoid sunglasses. Ask yourself:Ask yourself: Why am I doing this interview? Why am I doing this interview? Who will be conducting it? Who will be conducting it? Do you have enough time to prepare? Do you have enough time to prepare? Are there any ground rules? Are there any ground rules?
14 Before the Interview Key Messages.Key Messages. Likely questions & answers (95% can be anticipated).Likely questions & answers (95% can be anticipated). Do not avoid difficult question.Do not avoid difficult question. Think ‘sound bites’.Think ‘sound bites’. Potential imagery/video.Potential imagery/video. Handouts.Handouts. Practice responses.Practice responses.
15 Key Messages What messages are most important? To you? To your audience?What messages are most important? To you? To your audience? What they should know. What they should know. What they want to know. What they want to know.
16 Key Messages 3-4 easy to understand statements.3-4 easy to understand statements second sound bites second sound bites. Memorable phrases to encapsulate your main points.Memorable phrases to encapsulate your main points. Have facts to back up your message.Have facts to back up your message.
18 During the Interview Remain calm & in control.Remain calm & in control. Respond honestly.Respond honestly. Interview begins with ‘The Welcome’.Interview begins with ‘The Welcome’. Work in Key Messages before you begin the interview.Work in Key Messages before you begin the interview. Prepare an ‘Overall Statement’.Prepare an ‘Overall Statement’.
19 During the Interview Choose your words carefully, a pause is OK.Choose your words carefully, a pause is OK. Follow-up questions are usually based on your responses.Follow-up questions are usually based on your responses. Start with Conclusion.Start with Conclusion. Most important facts first (Inverted Pyramid) Most important facts first (Inverted Pyramid) Avoid chronological order. Avoid chronological order. Provide the 5 Ws +1. Provide the 5 Ws +1.
20 During the Interview Work in Key Messages at least 3 times.Work in Key Messages at least 3 times. Incorporate questions in your response.Incorporate questions in your response. Keep answers clear and concise.Keep answers clear and concise. Under-promise/over-deliver.Under-promise/over-deliver. Do not fill ‘Pregnant Pauses’.Do not fill ‘Pregnant Pauses’.
21 During the Interview Use familiar language.Use familiar language. Avoid acronyms, jargon.Avoid acronyms, jargon. Explain technical terms.Explain technical terms. When you do not know the answer:When you do not know the answer: Say, “I don’t know.” Say, “I don’t know.” Offer to find the answer. Offer to find the answer. No not over-use. No not over-use.
22 Bridging Allows a smooth transition from question to your Key Messages:Allows a smooth transition from question to your Key Messages: “Before we address that issue, let me add/say again…” “Before we address that issue, let me add/say again…” “That brings up a related point…” “That brings up a related point…” “Another thing to remember is…” “Another thing to remember is…”
23 During the Interview Avoid “What if…” questions.Avoid “What if…” questions. Do not speculate.Do not speculate. Never say, “No comment.”Never say, “No comment.” Do not go ‘Off the record’.Do not go ‘Off the record’. Avoid costs.Avoid costs.
Non-Verbal Communication Be aware of Body Language.Be aware of Body Language. Stand up/Sit up straight.Stand up/Sit up straight. Let the audience see your eyes.Let the audience see your eyes. Reduce nervous habits.Reduce nervous habits. Reduce verbal filler.Reduce verbal filler. Look the reporter in the eye.Look the reporter in the eye. 24
25 Local Media Will still be there when the ‘Media Circus’ leaves town.Will still be there when the ‘Media Circus’ leaves town.
27 After the Interview Treat all cameras, microphones, pencils as ‘live’.Treat all cameras, microphones, pencils as ‘live’. Remember the ‘citizen journalist’.Remember the ‘citizen journalist’. Keep everyone in your organization informed.Keep everyone in your organization informed. Monitor the Media.Monitor the Media.
29 Peter Judge Public Information Officer