Tracing the American Dream
Find five passages from the novel (no more than one passage from each chapter and NOT from chapter 9). Each passage must be at least three sentences long (include a proper citation). Clearly separate this passage from the analysis paragraph.
Write an annotation that analyzes the specific diction and other stylistic devices (imagery, figurative language, symbols, comparison/contrast, parallel structure, juxtaposition, descriptive details, irony, and more) that reveal Fitzgerald’s purpose. Your annotation should be at least five sentences in length.
Select a variety of passages that demonstrate his interpretation of the American Dream through his portrayal of the following topics: New Money vs. Old Money Optimism vs. Disillusionment Honesty Nature of Love vs. Marital Fidelity Personal Responsibility or Obligation Fabrication of Self
New Money vs. Old Money
Optimism vs. Disillusionment
Nature of Love vs. Marital Fidelity
Personal Responsibility or Obligation
Fabrication of Self