THE HOBBIT PASSAGE ANALYSIS HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT Before class on Block Day, 08/28-29, select a significant passage from The Hobbit that you think contributes meaningfully to one of the novel’s overall themes. Come to class on Wednesday/Thursday prepared to defend your passage in a group. Once you have done so, your group will determine which passage it finds most significant and will guide the rest of the class through that passage and explain its impact on the meaning of the novel as a whole.
THE HOBBIT PASSAGE ANALYSIS – 08/28-29/13 Each member of your group is responsible for recording ALL of your group’s work on his/her own sheet of paper and handing it in at the end of the period. Your group will elect ONE speaker to come to present to the rest of the class. This speaker will need to: explain the theme that your group has isolated. explain how the passage that you have chosen illustrates and contributes to that theme, making specific reference to literary and rhetorical techniques that Tolkien uses in the text. make brief reference to other incidences in the text that illustrate the theme you have identified.
GROUP WORK In your groups (and on your paper), complete the following tasks: 1.List the page numbers of each passage that your group has selected. Write a brief (1-2 sentence) description of that passage and a brief explanation of WHY that passage is so significant within the text. 2.Identify the themes that your group has identified as being present in the novel based on the passages you have selected. Remember that theme statements are complete sentences. 3.Select the one passage of the four that your group determines is the MOST significant in creating meaning in the novel. Write a brief explanation of why this is the MOST significant of the passages the group discussed. 4.Write (in some form – be it through a paragraph, a bulleted list, or notes) a detailed explanation of how the passage contributes to the overall meaning of The Hobbit.
PRESENTATIONS When you come up, you need to bring… your notes. your annotated book and passage. As an audience member, you need to take notes on their passage. the theme from their passage. how meaning is created in their passage.
HOMEWORK REMINDER The Hobbit “AP” Multiple Choice Questions are due on Friday, August 30. Remember to write your answers on a separate sheet of paper. Creative due in Mr. Feudo’s inbox AND in hard copy on Tuesday, September 3. Vocabulary Workshop money ($10 cash or check) needed by Friday, September 6.