Bellwork October 29, 2015-Copy and answer.
Standard/I can ELAGSE7L1: Demonstrate commands of standard English grammar and usage when writing. I can: I can identify prepositional phrases.
Hook: Watch: Prepositional phrases
Hook: Watch: 8 parts of speech
Mini-Lesson Practice the 8 parts of speech – Think, pair, share. Use the 8 Parts of Speech handout.
Work Session- Preposition neighborhood 1.Create a drawing of a neighborhood on a sheet of computer paper. You will draw houses, cars, people, streets, etc. 2.You must use at least 20 phrases that correlate/correspond with prepositions. Be sure you include the entire prepositional phrase. 3.Please follow the directions outlined in the rubric.
Closing Which of the eight parts of speech was the most difficult for you to understand?