How To Cover Sin Romans 4:1-8. Introduction Common Bible word –More than 25 words translated “cover” –Synonym is “concealed” (Exodus 24:15) –Often something.


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Presentation transcript:

How To Cover Sin Romans 4:1-8

Introduction Common Bible word –More than 25 words translated “cover” –Synonym is “concealed” (Exodus 24:15) –Often something completely concealed

Introduction Covering sin dealt with in the Bible –Defines sin (1 John 3:4) –Fail to do what we know (James 4:17) –Used positively and negatively (Psalm 85:2; Proverbs 28:13)

Wrong Way To Cover Sin Hiding, or covering up –Curse under the Law (Proverbs 28:13) –Use of preaching as a cloak to hide sin (1 Thessalonians 2:5; 1 Peter 2:16)

Wrong Way To Cover Sin Adam and Eve –Futile effort (Genesis 3:8; Psalm 139:1-8, 11) –Also tried to “pass the buck” (Genesis 3:12, 13)

Wrong Way To Cover Sin Aaron blamed the people –Foolish effort, falling short of his goal (Exodus 32:22) –Humorous and sad picture (Exodus 32:2-4, 24) –Any more foolish than ours?

Wrong Way To Cover Sin Achan tried to conceal the evidence (Joshua 7) –Literally tried to “bury” it (vv. 1, 21) –Consequences of sin (vv ) –Others suffer because of our sin

Wrong Way To Cover Sin By stopping the messenger –Murdered Stephen (Acts 7:51-60) –Hated Paul (Galatians 4:16)

Proper Way To Cover Sin Covered by following God’s law –Animal sacrifices under the Law of Moses –David knew the blessedness having his sins covered (Psalm 32:1-7) –Quoted in reference to our sins (Romans 4:1-8) –Covered when it is forgiven

Proper Way To Cover Sin When does it happen? –Application of the blood of Christ (Matthew 26:28) –At baptism for the new convert (Acts 2:38; 3:19) –Baptized into His death (Romans 6:1-6) –Upon repentance and confession for a Christian (Acts 8:22; 1 John 1:7-9) –Sins are blotted out (Hebrews 8:12) –Considered in judgment (Ecclesiastes 12:14)

Conclusion Respect God who can forgive Have your sins been covered?