Unshakeable Truth Truth One - God Exists Truth Two - God’s Word Truth Three - Original Sin Truth Four - God Became Human Truth Five - Christ’s Atonement for Sin Truth Six - Justification through Faith Truth Seven - Living the Transformed Life Truth Eight - Jesus’ Bodily Resurrection Truth Nine - The Trinity Truth Ten - God’s Kingdom Truth Eleven - The Church Truth Twelve - The Return of Christ
A Lie to Reject “Man is basically good” A Truth to Embrace “Man is born in sin; his only hope is in God’s redemption plan.”
“Man is born in sin; his only hope is in God’s redemption plan.” The Biblical argument: John 1:4 – God is the source of life Romans 5:12; 6:23; 8:20-22 – Sin brings a curse and death Psalm 14:2,3; Ecclesiastes 9:3 – Sin is universal Ephesians 2:9; Job 15:14 – we are not the solutio n James 1:17 – God is the solution
““Man is born in sin; his only hope is in God’s redemption plan.” The logical arguments: The Existence of Sin “The problem of sin in the world isn’t a so ciological, economic, or intellectual problem; it is a s piritual or heart problem.” “God has given us the accurate stories of His people, the children of Israel, that demonstrate ho w living in relationship with Him brings blessing, and choosing a self-centered path (sin) brings negative consequences.
““Man is born in sin; his only hope is in God’s redemption plan.” The logical arguments: The Price of Sin Man is free to choose, but with every choi ce comes a consequence that cannot be chosen. “Sin will take you farther than you want to go; keep you longer than you want to stay, and cost you more than you are willing to pay.”
““Man is born in sin; his only hope is in God’s redemption plan.” The logical arguments: Right vs. Wrong Man, throughout history, has delineated b etween right from wrong. However, God alone is the fi nal arbiter. “Right, godly choices that bring fulfillment and joy to our lives are those that relationally align w ith the person and character of a holy, righteous God.”
“ Life Change ” “If we truly believe that man is born in sin; that his only hope is in God’s redemption plan.”… We will: 1.Consider the choice – “to make right m oral choices we must first pause long enough to remin d ourselves That we are facing an opportunity for a rig ht or wrong decision.”
“ Life Change ” “If we truly believe that man is born in sin; that his only hope is in God’s redemption plan.”… We will: 1.Compare the choice to God – “God is the absolute standard for right and wrong. We must vi ew the choice in relation to the commands that e manate from His nature.
“ Life Change ” “If we truly believe that man is born in sin; that his only hope is in God’s redemption plan.”… We will: 1.Commit to God’s Way – “Committing t o God’s way means that we admit that we are the ruler over our lives – He is.
“ Life Change ” “If we truly believe that man is born in sin; that his only hope is in God’s redemption plan.”… We will: 1.Count on God’s Protection and Provisi on – “Living according to God’s way brings ma ny spiritual blessings, like freedom from g uilt, a clear conscience, and the joy of God’s smile upon our lives.
“What Goes Around… …” “Comes Around……”