water.europa.eu 7-c) Expert Group & River Basins Network AGRICULTURE Strategic Co-ordination Group Brussels, May 2011 Nicolas Rouyer & Ville Keskisarja European Commission DG Environment Water Unit (D1)
1. Key events in the period Joint meeting of the Expert Group on WFD & agriculture and the River Basins Network on 5 & 6 April in Brussels: Expert Group meeting on 5 April Workshop on clear measures for farmers on 6 April Preparation of the guidance on clear and transparent measures at farm level in April-May Slide 2 / 10
2. Upcoming key events Second meeting of the EG on 13 September 2011 in Warsaw Annual conference on water & agriculture dedicated to water pricing on 14 & 15 September in Warsaw organised with the Polish Presidency back to back with the EG meeting. Workshop on agriculture & climate change organised by the EG on climate change and to which the EG on agriculture will be associated. 2nd Water Science meet Policy CIS event on ecosystems services in September The event is organised by the SPI activity, but the EG on agriculture will contribute as well. River Basins Network, a workshop is planned to be held in November/December Slide 3 / 10
3. Work programme deliverables Issues discussed in the EG meeting on 5 April: Current CAP & WFD implementation MS presented current situation DG AGRI’s review on water related GAECs CAP reform: cross-compliance, greening & water protection DG AGRI’s presentation Debate on different options COM studies on water & agriculture in 2011 Water pricing and water saving Water protection measures and competiveness COPA COGECA presentation Slide 4 / 10
3. Work programme deliverables Slide 5 / 10
3. Work programme deliverables Water pricing and water saving study: Review of the current situation at EU level SCG helped in identifying water pricing experts (BE(FL), CY, DE, EE, ES, FR, IT, MT, NL, PL, RO, UK) Next phases include a detailed analysis of case studies Water pricing (CY, FR, ES, NL, RO, Australia & Mexico) Water saving (CY, FR, UK, ?) CIS EG on WFD & Agri conference on 15 September in Warsaw organised with the Polish Presidency. Slide 6 / 10
3. Work programme deliverables Guidance on how to make agricultural measures clear & transparent at farm level: Agricultural measures are a key to meet WFD objectives Communication on CAP reform confirms water protection as a high priority WFD measures should be operational in 2012 (WFD article 11.7) Success of agricultural measures is only possible if farmers know what they need to do to protect water resources in their farms Slide 7 / 10
3. Work programme deliverables Guidance on how to make agricultural measures clear & transparent at farm level: Aim is to support the national and river basin management authorities in making agricultural measures in the PoMs operational Content includes key issues and priorities in linking POMs and farm level actions At Member States level At River Basin or sub-basin level At Farm level Slide 8 / 10
3. Work programme deliverables Guidance on how to make agricultural measures clear & transparent at farm level: Key issues include Enhancement of co-operation More detailed planning of the implementation of the PoMs Identifying and agreeing, in particular, on funding mechanisms Making the requirements and measures clear, acceptable and encouraging Slide 9 / 10
3. Work programme deliverables Guidance on how to make agricultural measures clear & transparent at farm level: March – Draft outline and first round of comments 6 April - Workshop: brainstorming and exchange experiences 15 April – First draft version and second round of comments 5 May – Final draft version circulated to SCG members Editing work still in progress Slide 10 / 10 SGC 12 May – Agree on the need for final round of comments and forwarding the guidance after the final round to the Water Directors 18 May – Deadline for final round of comments May – Discussion and endorsement at the WD meeting in Budapest