Establishing a Writer’s Workshop Day 1
What is a Writer’s Workshop? What does it mean to establish? What is a workshop? Why would we need to establish a writer’s workshop?
Rules and Expectations During writing time, you are silent to think about your writing! You write continuously to capture all of your thoughts!
Look around the classroom, do you see any writing? We write every day! There is always writing around us. We use writing for many purposes and to reach a variety of audiences.
Brainstorm a chart of the uses of writing and the possible audiences. Uses of WritingAudiences
Writer’s Notebook Introduce an I Love/I Hate list Label and Date all entries
Your Turn… Take a few minutes to write your own Love/Hate list Label your page and date it We will share in about 5 minutes.
Share with your group your top 2 Loves and your top 2 Hates.
Establishing a Writer’s Workshop Day 2
The purpose of a writer’s notebook is to collect our ideas and thoughts. Why should we add new ideas and thoughts to our notebook?
Today we are going to create a list of our favorite things. (model) Remember: Label and Date entry
Your turn… Create a list of your favorite things. Write a short sentence telling why it is your favorite. We will share with our group in a few minutes.
Share with your group your top 3 favorite moments.
Establishing a Writer’s Notebook Day 3
The purpose of a writer’s notebook is to collect our ideas and thoughts. Why should we add new ideas and thoughts to our notebook?
Today we are going to create a list of our best and worst memories. (model) Remember: Label and Date entry
Your turn… Create a list of your best and worst memories. Write a short sentence telling why they are good or bad. We will share with our group in a few minutes.
Share with your group your top 2 best and your top 2 worst memories.
Establishing a Writer’s Notebook Day 4
The purpose of a writer’s notebook is to collect our ideas and thoughts. Today we will be talking about sketching your ideas.
Model sketching your favorite place. Add a few sentences to describe it.
Your turn… Sketch your favorite place and add a few sentences to describe it. You do not have to be an artist! We will share with our group in a few minutes.
Share with your group your sketch.
Establishing a Writer’s Notebook Day 5
The purpose of a writer’s notebook is to collect our ideas and thoughts. Today we will be talking about sketching our memories.
Powerful Language Used to create a clear picture in the reader’s mind by the author Ex. He could hear the mournful lost voices of the foghorns. What powerful language do we see?
Your turn… Make a list of examples of powerful language that you can find in your books. We will share with our group in a few minutes.
Share with your group some powerful language.