PRINCIPAL TRAINING IN THE EVALUATION OF STEM LESSONS July 18-20, 2013 PART ONE Immersion into Inquiry with a Purpose 1.


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Presentation transcript:

PRINCIPAL TRAINING IN THE EVALUATION OF STEM LESSONS July 18-20, 2013 PART ONE Immersion into Inquiry with a Purpose 1

PRINCIPAL TRAINING IN THE EVALUATION OF STEM LESSONS July 18-20, 2013 For this lesson, we will use… our new vocabulary new learning from Balancing & Weighing creativity in designing a solution to a problem teamwork, interdependence, engagement 2

PRINCIPAL TRAINING IN THE EVALUATION OF STEM LESSONS July 18-20, 2013 Standards for the Lesson Washington State Science Learning Standards 2009 Next Generation Science Standards – Science & Engineering Practices – Engineering Disciplinary Core Ideas 3

PRINCIPAL TRAINING IN THE EVALUATION OF STEM LESSONS July 18-20, 2013 In Your LRB We Should See… – Clearly written observations – Sketches/drawings of initial designs – Data tables/charts of things you have tried and whether it was successful – Record of your thinking, thoughtful reflections on learning 4

5 What we used to think…

6 What we now know….

PRINCIPAL TRAINING IN THE EVALUATION OF STEM LESSONS July 18-20, 2013 Final Things to Remember Reminder of “Home base” Identify “Materials Managers” Gather materials and get ready to work in pairs 7

PRINCIPAL TRAINING IN THE EVALUATION OF STEM LESSONS July 18-20, 2013 What can you discover? Using the beam and the fulcrum, find the balance. Now put the cup on one end. Find the balance WITHOUT MOVING THE CUP. How else could you find the balance? How could you use this beam and fulcrum to toss the cup into the air? 8

The Technological Design Process

Pop Fly Challenge… Pop Fly Challenge… -Create a pop-up device that will send a ping pong ball to a teammate “catcher”. -“Catcher” is 2 meters, horizontally, from Pop-Up Device and must consistently catch the ball. -Use at least ONE of each type of material -Must be foot activated! 10

Pop Fly Challenge… Pop Fly Challenge… - Talk to one another - Begin sketching a possible design -Get your design ok’d by me -Gather materials for your challenge 11

Report out: o Show your original sketches o What did you test? o How did you record your data so that someone else could repeat your investigation? o What did you discover? Make a claim based on evidence ! o Demonstrate your solution to the problem! 12

As the listener… Ask questions of the reporting team if you don’t understand. Compare their findings to your team’s. How is it similar and how is it different? Is there something a team has learned that you could incorporate for your design to optimize it?

PRINCIPAL TRAINING IN THE EVALUATION OF STEM LESSONS July 18-20, 2013 Examining Your Learning Take a stroll through your LRB Think about the activities I engaged you in throughout this lesson… Where were you most engaged and why? Where did you struggle and why? What did you do to help your team work together? 14