CONFIDENTIAL DRAFT Digital Services and Distribution UGV Site Content Strategies
page 1 UGV Site Content Policies – Sites with Financial Incentives CompanyFinancial Incentives for ContentRights Granted to Site Break$250 for video clips featured on home page $1,000 for flash animation, short film, or games featured on home page $25 for pictures posted in galleries $50 for each girl of the day picture that is posted $500 to top rated girl of the day each month Maker generally retains ownership, except in case of content submitted for certain contests In general, rather than taking ownership, takes an “exclusive, fully-paid, world-wide, royalty-free license to publicly display, publicly perform, distribute, and reproduce the Materials in any manner and in any medium” Does not pre-screen content MetacafePays US$5.00 for each 1000 times a video is viewed on provided that the Video is viewed a minimum of 20,000 times Maker retains ownership Metacafe takes worldwide, non-exclusive and transferable license to use, copy, prepare derivative works, display, and perform the user submissions Other Metacafe users also have the right to make derivative works of the content Revver50% of post-roll advertising revenue goes to the maker Users that share other people’s videos receive 20% of ad revenue (remaining revenue is split 50/50 between Revver and maker) Maker retains ownership Revver will not modify video other than to attach post-roll ads Revver can syndicate the content out to partners Maker can demand that content be taken down ad any time Revver manually screens every video before it is posted Revver provides a dashboard for maker to track revenues Panjea50% of revenues from ads appearing on profile pages 80% of sale price for content downloaded at prices determined by the user Maker retains ownership Panjea takes a non-exclusive, royalty-free, worldwide license to use, copy, modify, and play the video
page 2 UGV Site Content Policies – Sites with Financial Incentives CompanyFinancial Incentives for ContentRights Granted to Site eefoofPays users based on the percentage of the site’s profits a video generates Must generate at least $25 to be paid Calculation methodology –eefoof hits for the month: 10,000 –Video A hits for the month: 100 –eefoof ad revenue: $1,000 –Video A accounted for: $10.00 –eefoof's expenses on Video A $2.00 –Video A profit: $8.00 –eefoof half (share of the profit): $4.00 –Submitter’s half (earnings): $4.00 Maker retains ownership Additional terms not disclosed in detail LuLuTVTo be paid, users must become “shareholders” by paying a monthly fee of $ % of the “shareholder fees” are divided between the shareholders The % of the pool paid to a specific “shareholder” equals the % of traffic the user’s videos drove Maker retains ownership Content is handled under a Creative Commons license Other users (and LuLu) can copy, distribute, and play the video LuLu cannot create derivative works Blip Networks50% of revenues earned from still photographs and video ads users place at the end of their videos Maker retains ownership Blip takes a right to distribute only until maker takes down content
page 3 UGV Site Content Policies CompanyFinancial Incentives for ContentRights Granted to Site BoltDoes not compensate submittersMaker retains ownership Bolt claims a worldwide, royalty-free, and non-exclusive license to use, distribute, re-purpose and modify HeavyDoes not compensate submittersTakes full and exclusive ownership Takes right to edit videos Submitted content is Heavy’s “sole property in perpetuity without compensation to submitter of any kind”