supported by supported by ZEBAU GmbH – Zentrum für Energie, Bauen, Architektur und Umwelt Große Elbstraße 146, Hamburg Iveta Pukite Costruction, energy and housing state agency Projects, Planning and Information Technologies Departement Deputy Director Fax:
supported by OPEN DAYS Costruction, energy and housing state agency Riga, 19th of September, 2008
supported by “REBECEE” Atjaunojamās Enerģijas izmantošana un Ēku Izstādes paplašinātājā Eiropas mērogā Projekta mērķis ir veicināt atjaunojamās enerģijas resursu izmantošanu un energoefektivitātes uzlabošanos ēkās.
supported by Slovēnija/ Ļubļana Ēkās darbojas siltuma rekuperācijas sistēma Ēkām uzstādītas saules baterijas
supported by International conference POSSIBILITIES & BARRIERS OF RENEWABLE ENERGY RESOURCES USAGE Riga, 31rd of October, 2008
supported by REBECEE conefrence aims: 85 participants 11 lectures (Latvia, Germany, Sweden, Slovakia, Denmark) to develop sustainable buildings and usage of energy resorce, to inform Latvian’s residents and specialists about possibility of using of renewable energy in housing sectore.
supported by Participants from the following fields: governmental institutions, municipality, non-governmental institutions, building business, energy enterprises, architect bureau; real estate developer
supported by The conference was divided to 2 sessions 1–legislation and support for RES mechanisms; 2 - practical part, where were presented REBECEE project partners experience and expected outputs and not involved in REBECEE project country experience – Denmark.
supported by 1 st session: Climate change financial mechanisms for support of renewable energy sources deployment; Potential of renewable energy sources usage in Latvia; Barriers of renewable energy sources usage in Latvia; Support mechanisms for renewable energy sources usage in Latvia; Possibilities of wood materials usage in Latvia;
supported by 2 nd session: Energy efficient buildings with REHAU; Danish experience in passive housings; REBECEE – the European wide cooperation towards more energy efficiency and renewables; „Future street”; REBECEE Project in Alingsas city, Sweden; REBECEE Project in Ljubljana city, Slovenia.
supported by PR 5 journalists participated in the conference from the beginning 9 - mass media representatives arrived for the press conference Radio Latvia 1”, “Radio Latvia 4” - news service and broadcast „Vesti Segodna”, „Dienas Bizness”, “Bizness Baltija”– newspaper „BNS”, „LETA”, „Interfaks”, – news agency „Energoforums”, „Enerģētika un automatizācija”, „Pārvaldnieks”, – magazines „1Baltijskij kanal”, „LETA video” - TV „AFI” – photo agency
supported by How do you asses your benefits from the conference? Useful contacts have been established during the conference, The topics have been discussed in a global scale and should be discussed in a more detailed manner, The amount of information was put forward in an excessively intensive manner, More practically applicable information is needed, Development of separated work groups would be necessary, The number of lecturers could have been smaller.
supported by The reason to attain the conference work in this field, interest in possibilities to use alternative energy sources in future; interest in support mechanisms; the field has future perspectives; Wish a willing to enlarge the knowledge regarding this field.
supported by Press conference
supported by Mr. Peter-M. Friemert
supported by Mr Bo Norling Rebecee projects in Alingsås, Sweden
supported by TONKA GRGIČ, B.Sc. REBECEE activities in LJUBLJANA
supported by End of conference
supported by Finally
supported by Thank you for attention!