The Many Faces of Giving Prompt Feedback Jeffrey Henriques Department of Psychology February 10, 2011
“Knowing what you know and don’t know focuses learning” Arthur Chickering
Quizzing as a Form of Learning Roedigger et al. Roedigger et al. Bjork & Bjork Bjork & Bjork
Using Review Quizzes to Enhance Learning Questions and format evolved over time Questions and format evolved over time Random presentation of 10 questions from a larger question bank Random presentation of 10 questions from a larger question bank
Creating a random quiz Create a pool of questions Create a pool of questions Specify how many items to sample for each attempt Specify how many items to sample for each attempt
Create a Random Section Folder in Your Quiz
Specify number of questions to sample
Relationship Between Personality Quiz Attempts and Test Grade
Encourage repeated self-tests by using highest score in course grades
Use Question Statistics to Identify Problem Areas
Overview Began using infrared (IR) clickers in 2004 Began using infrared (IR) clickers in 2004 Initially did not use in every class session Initially did not use in every class session 1-2 questions per class 1-2 questions per class Fall 2006 questions but no clickers Fall 2006 questions but no clickers Spring 2007 radio frequency (rf) clickers Spring 2007 radio frequency (rf) clickers Have examined test performance and student evaluation data Have examined test performance and student evaluation data
Comparisons in Student Test Performance Between Semesters Without and Semesters With a Student Response System n = 967n = 1529n = 1642 n = 1658
What About the Questions? Classes with relatively few questions Classes with relatively few questions 4 sections without clickers 4 sections without clickers 2 sections with clickers 2 sections with clickers Classes with relatively large number of questions Classes with relatively large number of questions 5 sections with clickers 5 sections with clickers
Examining the Number of Questions Asked in Class F(1, 4013) = , p <.001
The Future Publisher Created Learning Sites Publisher Created Learning Sites