Psychology CP Daily Journal. #1 January 16 th In proper paper form write a page to 2 page autobiography in which you discuss the following four topics.


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Presentation transcript:

Psychology CP Daily Journal

#1 January 16 th In proper paper form write a page to 2 page autobiography in which you discuss the following four topics. The questions in parentheses are meant as a guide and you do not have to answer each question nor are you limited to answering only these questions. – Tell me a little about yourself: (Where are you from? What are your hobbies? Who is the most important person in your life? Why?) – Academic background: (What type of grades do you typically earn? Are you a member of any clubs or sports teams? What word would teachers most likely use to describe you?) – Goals: (What do you hope to get out of this class? How does this class fit into your academic/professional or personal goals? What particular topics do you hope to learn about?) – Additional information: (What else do you want me to know about you? Any concerns that you want me to be aware of? Anything else that may help you to succeed in this class?)

#2 January 17 th Write a ½ page or more about anything you would like. Remember anything you write in your journal I may read!!!

#3 January 21 Read the article Sympathy for the Devil located on the turn in cart. After reading the article, write a summary of the article and explain why you think Andrea Yates did what she did.

#4 January 22 Have you ever considered a career in psychology? If you were to become a psychologist which field do you think you would like to go into? Why?

#5 January 23 Imagine you have a friend who has slept through the last few days of class. As a result, he/she is not prepared for their quiz today. Write a letter to your friend summarizing the important concepts that have been covered so far in class.

#6 January 24