By: Remi Hunter
My family and I were poisoned in Due to our illness we have to be very conscious of our diet. We have an excellent diet consisting of organic Texas Longhorn beef from Armstrong, local organic poultry, neighboring organic vegetables, and fresh Sockeye salmon. Eating glutens such as bread and pasta can be difficult at times as my stomach is sensitive to these things. So we eat gluten free instead.
Overall I have a very healthy diet and I rarely eat unhealthy foods. One food habit that I have is eating apples and yogurt before I go to bed, the sugar keeps me awake parts of the night. To change this I should eat apples and yogurt in the morning or afternoon so the sugar can keep my energy up.
Quinoa and organic oatmeal Cereal that’s low on sugar Yogurt and fruit
Organic peanut butter and local organic jams on gluten free toast. Cottage cheese and spring onions Bruscheta (tomato vegetable mix) from the farmers market with grated cheese on toast Fruit Salad (Strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, blackberries, apples, and bananas)
Bruscheta (tomato vegetable mix) from the local farmers market with grated cheese on toast Homemade soup from organic chicken and beef Cream Salmon on toast
Organic beef liver and onions + Bacon Steak with baked potato and tossed garden salad Whole Chicken dinner with stuffing, mashed potatoes, cream cabbage and carrots. (Good for leftovers too!) Fish with wild rice and broccoli Pot Roast We never eat pork
Keeping stress at a minimum is very important to my health. Due to my condition high stressors will aggravate my autonomic and sensory nervous systems. If I am stressed, going for walks or meditating will help.
I have to be careful over doing exercing because it will flare up my nervous system. I mainly go for walks. I walk every single day 1-2 times. I hike about 2-4 times a week at Glenn Canyon Regional Park in West Kelowna. In the winter I do lots of skiing with my sister In the summer I go swimming at my complex’s salt water pool. When I have the energy I do a small cross fit exersise that consists squats, sit ups, and bur-pees.
I feel that I am in good shape, I never have been to self conscious of my body. I should exersise more often even though it gets difficult As a teenager it’s sometimes difficult to keep my skin complexion in order. My weight is at average for my height.
Overall given my health condition I have a fairly healthy lifestyle. There are some changes that I should add to my life style such as more exercising and not eating sugary foods at night.