Brothers of Charity Services (Scotland)


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Presentation transcript:

Brothers of Charity Services (Scotland) A Healthier Me Project Fiona Munro Brothers of Charity Services (Scotland)

Why? Only 1 in 10 adults with a learning disability had access to a healthy diet (BILD/Stepping Stones Feb 2015) Obesity statistics Other long term conditions Low incomes In the Borders……..2009

The Project Scottish Government Health Inequalities Fund Partnership Project Scottish Borders Learning Disability Service, NHS Public Health & Brothers of Charity Services (Scotland) 2013 – Pilot Group of 20, 2014 30 new individuals User led Big and small groups, Events, Physical health checks, Training/information sessions, Sharing ideas, 1 to 1’s 2015 – Pathway implementation – approx. 90 people, 27 Key Leads – 14 Organisations

Project aims: To ensure individuals will experience improved health through lifestyle change Carers will have a better understanding of their influence when engaging with individuals with a learning disability Support staff and family of people with a learning disability will experience improved health behaviours as a result of their improved knowledge and how this affects the people they care for A more streamlined service approach to positive changes in lifestyle and weight management as a result of the implementation of an easy to follow Pathway The Pathway will effectively bring together the varying streams of work underway across services to optimise behaviour changes in the management of weight and healthy living.

The Pathway How to engage individuals Is there need to encourage individuals to improve lifestyle? Section 1 Knowledge and learning Is workforce development, family and individual support required? Section 2 Programme of support for individuals SCLD Resource Section 3 Physical health checks and lifestyle advice Does individual require health check and lifestyle advice? Section 4 Learning Disability Service Is specific input from LD Services required? Section 5 Other resources A need for other support and resources? Section 6

“I learned a lot about fruit and vegetables. I enjoyed it very much “I learned a lot about fruit and vegetables. I enjoyed it very much. I also liked doing the exercises and walking. I would like to do more things.” “Some days there are no healthy choices but I record all the little successes along the way. Eventually they will add up and indicate a very gradual change for the better. Small changes are better than none at all. That’s my aim for the moment.” " I like Healthier Me as we were talking about different topics each week" “ My role as key lead has made me think about what we do as a Service to encourage healthy eating. We support people who have a range of health conditions which means we need to know how to eat healthy. The training gives all staff the same information. Then they can work with individuals to develop healthy eating plans. The A Healthier Me Key Lead meetings have been a great opportunity to share information and find out how other services are finding success promoting healthy living.”

Sustainability: What have we learned? Project team Asset based approach – Individuals, Key Leads, Organisations (Statutory and non-statutory) The Pathway – is everybody's responsibility Developed through pilot groups - individuals were at the heart of The Pathway Training is key Initiated culture change Continued leadership and support The Pathway - prevention agenda – measure impact? Strategy Links

Q and A’s The Pathway Final report and case studies