European Awareness It was sponsored by Niloofar & Yael.
School education in Europe We are going to tell you something about the differences of school educations in European countries. We are going to tell you something about how we could decrease the differences of school educations in Europe. We are going to show you other peoples opinion about this subject.
The differences In Holland you have 4 different kind of education. You have Lwo, Mavo, Havo and Vwo. But in Germany it’s not like that because if you get an Havo diploma it counts there as an real diploma and that is in Holland a Mavo diploma. So it’s kind of weird if you get a Havo diploma here in Holland it will bee seen as a Real diploma so you can not get good jobs in Germany.
In Holland children get better education than in Germany. And in Spain you are requested to stay at school till you are 14. And in Holland that is 18 and for Havo/Vwo that is 16. So there are many differences.
In Holland is learning English very important but in Spain and Germany the main language is the only language that is important. In Holland if you are following the education Gymnasium you have Latin and Greece language but in the other countries you don’t have that. So you could say Holland is one of the most educated countries in Europe.
How can we decrease the differences We can first start with making the education in Europe the same. So if you get a diploma in Holland it is the same diploma you can get any were else. Ofcourse there must be some little differences but the most things have to the same. And everybody has to learn English so we can communicate with each other. Because in germany and in France they can not speak english good. This can help the people with getting better jobs in other countries. The children
The opinions of other people. Surindra: I think it is super! This way we can better communicate with other people in the countries in Europe.
Gerda: I think it is a great idea because the education in other countries is horrible. This way we can go in other countries and work there or live there.