CompassCare OT Executive Training Training Session 4a, 4b Strategic Planning
Implementation Review How are you doing? How are you doing? How was your 1:1 meeting with your Executive Coach? How was your 1:1 meeting with your Executive Coach? Any Executive ICL issues? Any Executive ICL issues?
Strategic Leadership Five Elements of a Strategic Plan Core Values Core Values Mission Mission Vision Vision Strategies Strategies Metrics Metrics
A.Core Values 1.Core Values Defined -The 3 or 4 words or phrases that define who you are that make you uniquely suited to accomplish an objective 2.Setting Organizational Tone 3.Building/Maintaining Culture Their role in hiring, managing, firing Their role in hiring, managing, firing
Optimized PRC Core Values Fighting Spirit Relevance Accountability
B.Mission 1.Defined (Disciplined Thought) Revising a right mission: The intersection of who you are and that at which you can be the best in the world Revising a right mission: The intersection of who you are and that at which you can be the best in the world Passion+Skills+Resources=Purpose Passion+Skills+Resources=Purpose 2.Implementing a Dream (Disciplined Action) The role of Mission in Managing Others (Building mission ownership--Passion) The role of Mission in Managing Others (Building mission ownership--Passion)
Optimized PRC Mission To erase the need for abortion by transforming women’s fear into confidence To erase the need for abortion by transforming women’s fear into confidence
C. Vision 1.Defined What the world looks like from the perspective of your stakeholders once you are done What the world looks like from the perspective of your stakeholders once you are done
Your Stakeholders Include Patients Patients Babies Babies Staff/Volunteers Staff/Volunteers Donors Donors Center Center Community Community God God C. Vision
How does OT help fulfill this responsibility at the highest level?
Patients Patients experience a transformation from the fear of the unknown into confidence in the future, beginning to make good decisions with positive outcomes. Patients experience a transformation from the fear of the unknown into confidence in the future, beginning to make good decisions with positive outcomes.
Babies Every baby, irrespective of mother’s social situation, has the opportunity to pursue their inalienable right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Every baby, irrespective of mother’s social situation, has the opportunity to pursue their inalienable right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
Staff and Volunteers Staff/Volunteers see that they are effecting the patient’s transformation from fear of the unknown into confidence in the future after having had a baby. Staff/Volunteers see that they are effecting the patient’s transformation from fear of the unknown into confidence in the future after having had a baby.
Donors Donors see that for every $1000 given three lives are saved. Donors see that for every $1000 given three lives are saved.
The Center The Center sees an average of 1000 at risk women have their babies annually. The Center sees an average of 1000 at risk women have their babies annually.
Community Community gains economic, physical, emotional, social, moral, and spiritual health. Community gains economic, physical, emotional, social, moral, and spiritual health.
God God is honored as His investment of life, finances, personnel, etc are used in such a way as to produce the greatest gain possible. God is honored as His investment of life, finances, personnel, etc are used in such a way as to produce the greatest gain possible.
C. Vision 2.How to use Vision Statements Clear (ID Gap-where we are vs where we need to be) Clear (ID Gap-where we are vs where we need to be) Cascading Cascading Creative Creative Constant Constant
D. Strategies/Approaches 1.Defined: The most effective method to accomplish the mission efficiently 2.Turning staff loose (Freedom within structure)
D. Strategies/Approaches 3.Follow the vein of gold (Comprehensive specificity) 4.Interdepartmental Cohesiveness 5.Valuing the visionary aspects of direct reports
Optimized PRC Strategy Develop and maintain accurate and relevant service designed for women at high risk for abortion Develop and maintain accurate and relevant service designed for women at high risk for abortion Leverage organizational environment made up of three main departments (e.g. Patient Resources, Medical Services, Advancement) to acquire and dispense resources in a linear fashion. Leverage organizational environment made up of three main departments (e.g. Patient Resources, Medical Services, Advancement) to acquire and dispense resources in a linear fashion. Each department is managed by content experts who each assemble volunteer teams for the purpose of accomplishing the mission as it relates to their respective department. Each department is managed by content experts who each assemble volunteer teams for the purpose of accomplishing the mission as it relates to their respective department.
E. Core Metrics 1.Defined: How you know that you are on the right track 2.The Importance of Measuring Progress (accountability) 3.The Importance of Measuring the Right Things 4.The Use of Metrics in Strategy Modification 5.Trends versus Anomalies
Optimized PRC Core Metrics Master Report Master Report See example, next slide See example, next slide
Next Steps Review Brief review of upcoming ICL items Brief review of upcoming ICL items