PBIS Coaches Networking Tier One Internal Coaches November 10 and 11 Facilitated by: Lori Cameron: Marlene Gross-Ackeret: Emilie O’Connor:
Wisconsin RtI Center Our vision: All Wisconsin students will learn and be successful in life. Our mission: To build the capacity of Wisconsin schools to develop and sustain a culturally responsive multi-level system of support to ensure the success for all students.
PBIS Coaches Networking Outcomes Connect Stakeholders Encourage collaborative learning Further develop implementation of PBIS Gather resources & model processes Address technical and adaptive change
PBIS Coaches Networking Norms Be here Begin on time. Avoid using cell phones or checking Avoid side conversations. Be positive & productive Put ideas forward Listen actively Assume positive intentions Be respectful Stay on agenda Monitor your airtime. Discuss ideas, not people Honor confidentiality Be Prepared Do what you’ve committed to do Have items to share at meetings
Today’s Agenda Introductions Familiarize ourselves with the Tiered Fidelity Inventory This year’s focus: Culturally Responsive Data-Based Decision-Making Updates on Classroom Management Networking
Why the TFI? Efficient tool for measuring all 3 tiers of implementation National trend Guide to see what is considered good implementation - the roadmap.
WI PBIS Network Recommended Assessment Schedule Self-Assessment Survey (SAS) Baseline Annually – fall Full staff Team Implementation Checklist (TIC) - Optional Progress monitor 2x per year—fall-Winter Team - consensus Benchmarks of Quality (BoQ) Annually – spring Team Tiered Fidelity Inventory (TFI) – Stay tuned! Not yet determined Fidelity Score 80% 70% 80%
PBIS Fidelity Tool Resources Pbisapps.org
Download from apps.org
TFI In small groups, familiarize yourself with the TFI Manual. Answer the questions listed on the TFI handout. Note any lingering questions you have regarding the TFI. FOCUS ON: TIER 1
Total Score Report
Why this focus? Engagement CESA #1 Applications for Recognition
Application for Schools of Recognition Describe how you systematically ensure culturally responsive practices at the universal level for all students, including students with disabilities and students from different cultural backgrounds. Why this focus?
Full implementation Initial implementation Infrastructure Purpose Building Not in Place Why this focus? CESA # SIR Math and Reading
Why this focus? Suspension Practices In Wisconsin Why this focus? White
Wisconsin Achievement Gap Why this focus?
Application for Schools of Recognition Explain how your implementation team creates action plans using your system level implementation results in collaboration with your student level data. Why this focus?
Goal: Impact Outcomes Around Disproportionality Themes Session 1: Cultural Awareness Session 2: Evaluating Systems’ Impact Session 3: Digging Deeper Today’s Session Objective: Explore how cultural awareness influences data-based decision-making.
Culturally responsive practices are what localize your system System is responsive to the students, families and community you serve CULTURALLY RESPONSIVE PRACTICES include the degree to which a school’s programs, practices, procedures, and policies account for and adapt to the broad diversity of students' ethnicity, language, and culture. i.e., the students and community your school serves
Cultural Competence Model
Step in if… Your school/district vision/mission includes something about ALL students… Your school/district is meeting its vision/mission for ALL Your school/district regularly disaggregates data Your school has disparities / disproportionality in achievement outcomes by – Language proficiency – Economic status – Race/ethnicity – Students with Disabilities
Step in if… You’ve done any professional or personal learning in CR (Stay in if) you’ve just started this journey (<1 year) – What pd? – Where are you in your journey? If you’ve been engaged in this work for >1 year – How long? What experiences? – What’s different now / how have you changed?
Become Self Aware – As an Individual What is your racial identity? When and how did you become aware of your racial identity? What did your parents/family teach you about race and ethnicity when you were a child? What’s your most recent experience with race, racism, or difference? How do you benefit from your racial identity? How do you suffer or “miss out”? Which of these questions were more difficult to answer than others? Why might this be?
In 2014, Wisconsin’s 66,702 teachers were… 95% white 76% female 72% white female
Become Self Aware – As a System Dimensions of Culture Laws, rules, proceduresHow decisions are made It depends on the context & person Personal freedom, autonomy, self-determination, individual needs come first Relationship between individuals in a group Allegiance, loyalty, honor to family, group needs come first Work and life are separateHow far people get involved Work and life are all part of who you are Need to control/disguise emotions, act on reason How people express emotions Spontaneous expression of emotions across settings You are what you do, respected based on how you perform/achieve How people view status You are who you are, deference to authority/elders High value on punctuality, planning, schedules How people manage time Flexible plans and commitments Can control environment and people to meet goals How people relate to their environment Work with environment, avoid conflict
…Culturally Responsive Data-Based Decision Making? What does this have to do with…
Tying it Back to Vision… Are we who we say we are? How is it reflected in our schedules interventions Teacher assignments Resource allocation Professional development Family engagement opportunities
Become self-aware resources
BREAK Meet new friends, talk PBIS. ☺
Updates SAS: completed? Tier 2 Cohort Dates: – Cohort 1 - Full – Cohort 2 - 1/7, 2/23, 4/14, 5/17 – Cohort 3 - 3/1, 5/10, last two days TBD Next Networking dates: – CESA - 1/13,3/15 – South - 1/14, 3/16 Online Tier One TA Classroom Management - see flyer
Why this focus? Engagement CESA #1 Applications for Recognition
Describe how you have implemented PBIS in ALL of your classrooms. Provide descriptive examples of how classroom expectations and procedure were defined and taught, and classroom acknowledgement and consequence systems. Please provide more than just a list. Example Class Matrix with class specific environments Teaching class procedures Tokens/acknowledgement s for class behavior Teacher self monitoring ratio 5:1 ratio of positives in class Consequences for classroom managed behaviors Non-Example Column for Classwide expectations within SW matrix Teaching SW expectations in class setting Mention of SW acknowledgement, but no application to class T chart, and SW consequences 3 out of 4 must be present to receive full points!
Classroom Management Workshop Who: New teachers and teachers that need support in classroom management, and their mentor What: 3 day workshop over the course of 3 months Cost: $450 for 2 people for all 3 days; $150 each additional teacher
PBIS Coaches Networking External Coaches November 10 and 11 Facilitated by: Lori Cameron: Marlene Gross-Ackeret: Emilie O’Connor:
PBIS External Coaches Networking Outcomes Connect External Coaches Encourage collaborative learning Further develop implementation of PBIS Gather resources & model processes Address technical and adaptive change
Today’s Agenda Introductions Review the Tiered Fidelity Inventory Action Plan and discuss the external coach role
Introductions Who Am I? 1. You each have a nametag face-down in front of you with the name of a famous person. 2. Have the person next to you affix it to your back. 3. Walk around and ask questions to find out who you are. Rule: 1 question and 1 guess per person until you have asked everyone in the room a question. Then you may ask the same people new questions.
External Coaches and the TFI
1.E = Excited What excites you about this idea or proposition? What’s the upside? 1.W = Worrisome What do you find worrisome about this idea or proposition? What’s the downside? 1.N = Need to Know What else do you need to know or find out about this idea or proposition? What additional information would help you to evaluate things? 1.S = Stance or Suggestion for Moving Forward What is your current stance or opinion on the idea or proposition? How might you move forward in your evaluation of this idea or proposition?
External Coach Lunch External Coaches, Colleen, and TACs
PBIS Coaches Networking Tier Two Networking November 10 and 11 Facilitated by: Lori Cameron: Marlene Gross-Ackeret: Emilie O’Connor:
Wisconsin RtI Center Our vision: All Wisconsin students will learn and be successful in life. Our mission: To build the capacity of Wisconsin schools to develop and sustain a culturally responsive multi-level system of support to ensure the success for all students.
Tier 2 Networking Outcomes Connect Stakeholders Encourage collaborative learning Further develop implementation of PBIS Gather resources & model processes Address technical and adaptive change
PBIS Coaches Networking Norms Be here Begin on time. Avoid using cell phones or checking Avoid side conversations. Be positive & productive Put ideas forward Listen actively Assume positive intentions Be respectful Stay on agenda Monitor your airtime. Discuss ideas, not people Honor confidentiality Be Prepared Do what you’ve committed to do Have items to share at meetings
Today’s Agenda Introductions Familiarize ourselves with the Tiered Fidelity Inventory This year’s focus: Culturally Responsive Data-Based Decision-Making Networking
Why the TFI? Efficient tool for measuring all 3 tiers of implementation National trend Guide to see what is considered good implementation - the roadmap.
WI PBIS Network Recommended Assessment Schedule Self-Assessment Survey (SAS) Baseline Annually – fall Full staff Team Implementation Checklist (TIC) - Optional Progress monitor 2x per year—fall-Winter Team - consensus Benchmarks of Quality (BoQ) Annually – spring Team Tiered Fidelity Inventory (TFI) – Stay tuned! Not yet determined Fidelity Score 80% 70% 80%
PBIS Fidelity Tool Resources Pbisapps.org
Download from apps.org
Think, Pair, Share CONNECT: How are the ideas and information presented CONNECTED to what you already knew? EXTEND: What new ideas did you get that EXTENDED or pushed your thinking in new directions? CHALLENGE: What is still CHALLENGING or confusing for you to get your mind around? What questions, wonderings or puzzles do you now have?
Total Score Report
Culturally Responsive Practices Tier 2 Systems and Implementation
Think, Discuss, Share... A vision for Tier 2 supports: What does a culturally responsive Tier 2 system look like? Who does it serve? How does it work? What staff members are involved? How are families engaged in the process?
1.E = Excited What excites you about this idea or proposition? What’s the upside? 1.W = Worrisome What do you find worrisome about this idea or proposition? What’s the downside? 1.N = Need to Know What else do you need to know or find out about this idea or proposition? What additional information would help you to evaluate things? 1.S = Stance or Suggestion for Moving Forward What is your current stance or opinion on the idea or proposition? How might you move forward in your evaluation of this idea or proposition?