Great Plains Region
Geographic Subdivision Llano Basin Edwards Plateau High Plains
Location The Llano Basin lies almost in the center of Texas The Edwards Plateau encompasses the southern part of the Great Plains The High Plains cover most of the northwestern part of the state.
Geographic Features Llano Basin- granite Edwards Plateau-primarily limestone, with lots of caves and underground streams High Plains-very flat land
Climate The Llano Basin and Edwards Plateau 30 inches of precipitation per year. The High Plains has a very dry climate less than 20 inches per year.
Natural Resources Limestone Granite Aquifer that supplies water to several cities, including San Antonio Vast farming area (High Plains)
Economic Resources Granite-used in building homes and businesses Farming-Wheat, cotton, corn, hay Ranching-Cattle, sheep, goats Oil production
Major Cities Amarillo Lubbock Midland Odessa
Rivers Brazos River Colorado River Canadian River Red River
Llano Basin The pink granite used to make the capital building in Austin came from the Llano Basin
Edwards Aquifer
High Plains