Talent 21 Greye Dunn
The three R’s Reduce Cut down on the amount of water you and trash you through out Reuse Use things that you can reuse, Metal water bottles, reusable lunch boxes. Recycle Recycle your soda cans and paper Repopulate Replant trees and help bring back spiciness going extinct.
Local Recycling efforts ACUA takes my recycling ACUA takes, Paper, Aluminum cans, and bottles. Other items they accept are Aerosol cans Appliances Asbestos Disposal - A Step-By-Step Guide Animal & Food Processing Waste Batteries (Auto/Boat 12 Volt, AA, AAA, C, D) Books (Paperback and Hardback) Bottles/Cans/Paper/Cardboard For Curbside Pick Up Bulky Waste ETC. My recycling is picked up once a week ACUA doesn’t take medical waste or syringes.
My soda bottle maracas First you empty out the soda bottle Then you wash it out with soap and water You let it dry out for about a day. Then you fill it with things like beads, Dry rice, etc. Now you can play your maraca with your friends
Public service announcement
Work cited &bih=741&gbv=2&tbm=isch&tbnid=Xm9SGSgECrg vyM:&imgrefurl= t/7089/7093/7091/9215/default.aspx&docid=uIx &bih=741&gbv=2&tbm=isch&tbnid=Xm9SGSgECrg vyM:&imgrefurl= t/7089/7093/7091/9215/default.aspx&docid=uIx &bih=741&gbv=2&tbm=isch&tbnid=g1BL5wIOrWd m3M:&imgrefurl= /recycling_program.htm&docid=v9Hwdy &bih=741&gbv=2&tbm=isch&tbnid=g1BL5wIOrWd m3M:&imgrefurl= /recycling_program.htm&docid=v9Hwdy