There are quite a few noticeable differences between the British English dialect and the evolved dialect of American English. These are the aspects we will cover: Spelling Pronunciation {sounds} Grammar Vocabulary
AMERICAN – “-or”BRITISH – “-our” ColorColour HonorHonour Favoritefavourite AMERICAN – “-ll”BRITISH – “-l” EnrollmentEnrolment FulfillFulfil Skillfulskilful AMERICAN – “-ze”BRITISH – “-se” AnalyzeAnalyse CriticizeCriticise MemorizeMemorise
AMERICAN – “-er”BRITISH – “-re” CenterCentre MeterMetre Theatertheatre AMERICAN – “-og”BRITISH – “-ogue” AnalogAnalogue CatalogCatalogue DialogDialogue AMERICAN – “-ck” or “-k”BRITISH – “-que” BankBanque CheckCheque
AMERICAN – “-e”BRITISH – “-ae” or “-oe” EncyclopediaEncyclopaedia ManeuverManoeuvre MedievalMediaeval AMERICAN – “-dg” “-g” “-gu”BRITISH – “-dge” “-ge” “-gue” AgingAgeing ArgumentArguement JudgmentJudgement AMERICAN – “-ense”BRITISH – “-ence” LicenseLicence DefenseDefence
AMERICANBRITISH JewelryJewellry DraftDraught PajamasPyjamas PlowPlough ProgramProgramme TireTyre Other word-specific differences --
BASE WORDAMERICANBRITISH CounselCounselingCounselling EqualEqualedEqualled ModelModelingModelling QuarrelQuarrelingQuarrelling SignalSignaledSignalled TravelTravelingTravelling Base words that end in L normally double the L in British English when a suffix is added. The letter can double in American as well – but ONLY IF the stress is on the second syllable of the base word. BASE WORDAMERICANBRITISH ExcelExcelling PropelPropelling
There are also other words borrowed from French that feature stress differences. American first-syllable; British last-syllable: Mustache Cigarette
NOUNS In British English, collective nouns can take either singular or plural verb forms, depending on whether the emphasis is on the body or the members within it. i.e.“A committee was appointed.” “ The committee were unable to agree.” VERBS morphology American -- "-ed" British -- "-t" i.e. learned/learnt, dreamed/dreamt British English rarely use “gotten;” instead, “got” is much more common. Past participles often vary: i.e. saw – American: sawed; British: sawn tenses British English employs the present perfect to talk about a recent event {i.e. “I’ve already eaten,” “I’ve just arrived home.”} auxiliaries British English often uses “shall” and “shan’t” American English uses “will” and “won’t”
American & British English sometimes have different words for the same things -- AMERICANBRITISH ApartmentFlat ArgumentRow Carriage/coachPram BathroomLoo CanTin CookieBiscuit DiaperNappy ElevatorLift EraserRubber FlashlightTorch FriesChips GasPetrol GuyBloke/chap
AMERICANBRITISH HighwayMotorway Hood {of a car}Bonnet JellyJam KeroseneParaffin LawyerSolicitor LineQueue MailPost NapkinServiette NothingNought PeriodFull stop Potato chipscrisps AMERICANBRITISH TruckLorry TrunkBoot VacationHoliday WindshieldWindscreen License PlateNumber Plate PacifierDummy Parking lotCar park PharmacistChemist SidewalkPavement SoccerFootball Trash canBin
American and British English speakers often use the same words but intend very different meaning with them: WORDAMERICANBRITISH BiscuitDinner rollCookie BrewBeerTea BureauChest of drawersWriting table/desk CasketCoffinJewelry Box First FloorGround Floor“Second” Floor To hireTo employTo rent ngs_in_British_and_American_English ngs_in_British_and_American_English {for more examples!}