Lesson 4 Dream Houses Period 2
Vocabulary American and British words ☆ Find words in American English in the text which mean the same as these: garden (line 8), to repair (line 12), toilet (line 13) Answers: 1 yard 2 to fix 3 washroom
☆ Match the American words with the British ones (underlined) in the text below. After the (1)holidays I moved into my new (2)flat. It’s not in the (3)centre of the city, but it’s near an (4)under-ground station. It’s on the vacation apartment downtown area (a) subway
(5)ground floor of an house (5)ground floor of an house. It’s got a living room, a kitchen and a bedroom. The only problem is the (6)lorry which goes past at 7 o’clock every morning to collect the (7)rubbish and which wakes me up! first floor truck garbage
常见单词表达区别 A. E 美语 B. E 英语 罐头 can tin 糖果 candy sweets 饼干 cookie biscuit 橡皮擦 eraser rubber 电梯 elevator lift 汽油 gas, gasoline petrol 生气 mad angry 数学 math maths 人行道 sidewalk pavement
常见拼写区别 A. E B. E 文明 civilization civilisation 颜色 color colour 荣誉 honor honour 珠宝 jewelry jewllery 组织 organization organisation 练习 practice practise 轮胎 tire tyre
Exercises ☆ How many of the objects below can you see in the photo of the room from Fallingwater House? Key words ceiling, walls, floor, door, window, French windows, curtains, chair, table, sofa, desk, bookshelves, bed, plants, lamp, closet.
beside over under by between next to
Functional Sentences Words you may need My bedroom is large/lovely… The color of room is… There is a …beside ... Between …and …is… The shortcoming of my is… Words you may need in, under, behind, beside, next to, in front of, by, opposite, against, between, at, over.
Work in pairs to describe your bedroom using the functional sentences . Example A: Where is the bed? B: It’s in the center of the room. Next to it there’s a … Do you like your bedroom? Why or why not?
Group Assessment Content Evaluation General level Description Excellent Good So-so General level: A+ A B+ B C+ C Group ___: Words Sentence patterns Linking words