KVN V LBI E xtragalactic Co mpact R adio S ource S urvey Lee, Sang-Sung 2009EastAsiaVLBIWorkshop 2009EastAsiaVLBIWorkshop
KVN Collaboration Initiated by collaboration btw VERA and KVN VERA Mareki Honma KVN Bong Won Sohn S. Lee Accelerated by motivation from Yuri Y. Kovalev (MPIfR) Leonid Petrov (GSFC/NASA)
KVN Contents Introduction Project: VECoRSS Goals Motivations Substance Plan
KVN Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) Marscher 2005 Observables: Flux density (S) Angular Size ( θ FWHM ) Apparent jet speed ( β app ) Brightness Temperature T b Observables:
KVN Brightness Temperature Brightness temperature: A temperature that a source should have as if it was a black body to radiate a specific intensity * Gaussian pattern of brightness distribution * Source rest frame Inverse Compton limit: (Kellermann & Pauliny-Toth 1969) Whenever T b > K, inverse Compton scattering of radio photons dominates, and most of the energy will be radiated in X-ray. (Kellermann & Pauliny-Toth 1969) Equipartition limit: (Readhead 1994) Sources radiate at T b ~ 5 x K when energy densities in relativistic particles and magnetic fields are in equipartition. (Readhead 1994) High-resolution VLBI surveys enable to statistically study the brightness temperatures of compact radio sources and to test the theoretical models of relativistic outflows (e.g., Marscher 1995).
KVN Relativistic effects and lower limit Relativistic effects: Radiation emitted from a jet component moving at a velocity of with an angle to the line of sight can be Doppler boosted. Doppler factor Apparent jet speed Lower limit of T b : Minimum resolvable size d min a,b: axes of restoring beam SNR: signal-to-noise ratio : weighting function When d < d min, the lower limit of T b should be estimated with d = d min.
KVN VLBI Core and its opacity effect Lobanov (1996) VLBI core is located at a region where in the jet. r L syn Under the equipartition condition, the absolute position of the VLBI core r is related to the total radiated synchrotron luminosity L syn In order to investigate the physics of compact radio jets in sub-parsec scale regions, we need to observe them at higher frequencies with high resolution (high resolution VLBI survey).
KVN FS43: Fringe Survey at 43GHz VIS43: VLBI Imaging Survey at 43GHz pFS43: pilot Fringe Survey at 43GHz Project: VECoRSS VECoRSS: VLBI Extragalactic Compact Radio Source Survey
KVN ICRFICRF Calibrator 43GHz VECoRSS: Goals Training VLBI experts PC-scale structure of compact radio sources InternationalcollaborationInternationalcollaboration KVNKVN NASAGSFCNASAGSFC MPIfRMPIfR VERAVERA
KVN Large VLBI surveys *sub-sample. **VERA 22 GHz survey is done in collaboration with H. Kobayashi, T. Jike, M. Honma, K.M. Shibata, T. Hirota.
KVN VECoRSS: Motivation Only a few 100 sources have been observed/imaged at 43 GHz for geodetic/astrometric purpose (VLBA, Lanyi et al). A KVN/VERA fringe survey at 43 GHz should be considered for VERA, KVN, VSOP-2, etc. VERA: needs a full list of extragalactic calibrators at 22/43 GHz for dual-beam Galactic astrometry. (e.g., VERA fringe survey at 22 GHz; Petrov et al 2007, Full sky VERA fringe survey at 22GHz ongoing; Petrov et al.) KVN: needs the list of calibrators at 22/43 GHz for multi-freq. phase- referencing observation at 22/43/86/129 GHz. VSOP-2: needs preparatory surveys for identifying suitable radio sources for phase referencing observation at 8/22/43 GHz (VSOP-2 pre-launch survey at 43 GHz). A follow-up VLBI imaging survey at 43 GHz with a complete sample of compact radio sources is required to study compact AGN jets.
KVN pFS43: pilot Fringe Survey at 43 GHz pFS43 (2009) : A 24-hr pilot observation of ~ 270 compact radio sources out of 550 candidates selected (with VERA+KVNYS). Goals: to answer the following questions; What is the baseline sensitivity of VERA (+KVN) at 43 GHz : ∆S VERA. Expected value ∆S VERA ~ 150 mJy (VERA team, priv. comm.) How to schedule the fringe survey? How to fringe-fit? What are the criteria for selecting the candidate sources? What are the amplitude calibrators? How often the amplitude calibrators should be observed? What will be the accuracy of amplitude calibration? What is maximal integration time?
KVN pFS43 - proposal Source selection criteria: 270 out of 550 candidates Correlated flux density of S c ≥ 300 mJy on baselines of 170 ~ 250 Mλ at 8 GHz based on the catalogs of VCS1-6 and ICRF Compactness of S c /S VLBA ≥ 0.4 at 8 GHz Detected sources in 3mm VLBI survey (Lee et al. 2008) Correlated flux density of S 22 ≥ 500 mJy on baselines of 100 ~ 200 Mλ at 22 GHz base on the VERA Fringe survey at 22 GHz (Petrov et al. 2007) Amplitude calibration: Amplitude calibrator : 20 sources from the Blazar (2-3 months) monitoring program at 43GHz (Marscher et al. Boston Univ.) Observation: Six 4-hour observations with dynamic scheduling Each source will be observed for one/two scan(s) of 2-min duration. Amplitude calibrator should be observed every 20 min.
KVN Selected sources 270 objects selected for the pilot observations Group1 (90) Group1 (90) : S c > 500 mJy, S c /S VLBA ≥ 0.4 Group2 (133) Group2 (133) : 500 mJy ≥ Sc ≥ 300 mJy, S c /S VLBA ≥ 0.4 Group3 (47) Group3 (47) : S c < 300 mJy, S c /S VLBA ≥ 0.4
KVN Sky distribution
KVN Observed sources at 1 st epoch Preliminary detection rate 40% with FRING(AIPS) 70% with VEDA
KVN Observed sources at 1 st and 2 nd epochs
KVN FS43: Fringe Survey at 43 GHz FS43 ( ) : Survey observations with EAVN- Array43 (VERA, KVN, Nobeyama, Kashima) Sources with expected S c > ∆S VERA Each source observed for one or two scans. The first whole-sky fringe survey at 43 GHz in Northern hemisphere. Spectral index (at 22-43GHz) obtained from KVN data.
KVN East Asian VLBI Network (EAVN) EAVN-Array-Q EAVN-Array-Q (so called) : KVN(3x21m) + VERA(4x20m) + Kashima(34m) + Nobeyama (45m) EAVN-Array
KVN VIS43: VLBI Imaging Survey at 43 GHz VIS43 ( ) : A follow-up VLBI imaging survey with a complete sample (EAVN-Array-Q + VLBA) A complete sample based on the results of FS43 Improve the data base of AGN VLBI images at 43 GHz A good database for International Celestial Ref. Frame (ICRF-ext2) Statistical study of intrinsic properties of relativistic jets. Resolution of the global VLBI survey at 43 GHz will be matched with that of VSOP-2 at 22 GHz Comparison of structural information and morphology at matched resolution Comparison of T b distribution at 22/43 GHz –To see if there is any difference. –To see if the difference is coming from jet stratification or opacity effect.
KVN Statistical study of compact jets Change of T b in a jet => acceleration/deceleration of relativistic jets Change of Tb T b increases up to 20 GHz and then starts to decrease At 86 GHz, T b are systematically low. Change of Tb T b increases up to 20 GHz and then starts to decrease At 86 GHz, T b are systematically low. A VLBI imaging survey at 43 GHz is required to fill this gap to confirm the possible trend of Tb
KVN Change of T b in a jet
KVN Change of T b in a jet (Vlahakis & Koenigl (2004) r [pc] Compact jets may be accelerated by magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) forces.
KVN ICRF-ext2 VECoRSS: Plan A complete sample of calibrators pFS43 VIS43 FS43 VIS43 VSOP-2 VERA FS43
KVN Thank you!