Weibin Shi, Xiaohui Sun, Wolfgang Reich Jinlin Han, Patricia Reich, Richard Wielebinski Partner Group of MPIfR at NAOC Primary results for 6cm polarization Survey of the Galactic Plane
Outlines ● Motivation ● Observation Status ● Observation Strategy ● Data Reduction ● Initial results
Motivation: Go to higher frequency ( previously 11cm, 21cm ) little affected by foreground Faraday depolarization The same HPBW with Effelsberg 21 cm data Survey products and scientific contribution: Absolute calibrated TP & PI maps of the Galactic plane: construct foreground template for CMB polarization understand magnetic field structure of our Galaxy disentangle ISM structure of the Galaxy combined other database
D=25m Longitude: 87d 10’ 40.44”E Latitude: 43d 28’ 16.14”N Altitude: 2029 m
Need to observe : longitude about 10deg to 240deg, latitude -5deg to 5deg, about 2300 square degree. Observation Status
Good part 46.1deg: 95.9deg to 142deg, Have reduced 33.1deg: 95.9deg to 129deg, No reduction 13deg: 129deg to 142deg.
B direction: every part is 2deg x 10deg (3h25m) or 2.2deg x 10deg (3h45m) L direction: The width: 2.6deg The length: consider Galactic structure Observation Strategy
Map Observation Receive telescope position once every second scan velocity 2' / s scan spacing 3' integration time 1.5s one night can observe two regions
Data Reduction ●Set baselines ●Correct parallactic angles ●Edit spikes, jumps and scanning effects ●Calibration ●Weave ●Combination ●Absolute Calibration
HII Regions
Supernova Remnants G G CTB109 G Cas A G G G CTB1 G G G R5
Polarization Intensity(image) +Intensity(contour)
Polarization Intensity(image) )+B(bars)
Next we will do more observation more reduction compare 6cm, 11cm, 21cm to obtain Spectral index confirm sources (Supernova Remnants, HII regions) Get flux intensity try to find some new sources Analyze absolute calibrated TP & PI maps construct foreground template for CMB polarization understand magnetic field structure of our Galaxy disentangle ISM structure of the Galaxy combined other database
Thank you !