Jennifer Forsberg Geometry and Advanced Algebra Teacher Spanaway Lake High School SPU Winter 2014
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Adolescent Autonomy: Student-reported and observed engagement. “I’m not Learning”: Academic relevancy and classroom engagement/academic achievement. Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics: Group work, extrinsic motivation and misbehavior of other students. Sense Making as Motivation: 6 th grade fractions and 4/5 th grade combinations. University Economics Class: Group presentations and partner tests.
Does implementing pair collaboration increase student engagement? “Active engagement was evidenced by students asking questions, volunteering information, participation in activities, and few indicators of off task behavior” (Hafen et. All, 2012) What happens to student motivation in mathematics when pair collaborations are implemented throughout the second half of a unit? Does implementing pair collaboration in daily work and quizzes increase test scores?
Step One: Daily Math becomes Partner work Step Two: Surprise Partner Quiz with challenge question Step Three: Go over partner quiz in class and learning process. Step Four: Give individual test Data Collected through Pre-Survey Writing Prompt Observation Notes Gradebook Comparison Post-Survey
Brain Break
Question 1: Explain what you experienced during the partner quiz? Partner was helpful in explaining the material It was a team effort We caught each other’s mistakes Wanted control Question 2: Was this a beneficial experience? Beneficial, both of us were working and taught one another. Allowed for questions to be asked of partner Correct Mistakes Question 3: What did you gain from the experience? Better Understanding of both processes Built trust when working with other people Learned something new: process, easier way Learned that I new the material well. Learned I should check my work after completing.
During Partner Quiz When told it’s a partner quiz “Yes, This just saved my life.” Struggling Students Challenge Problem Partners working together Overall Work in Partners Daily Math In class working time
Last year to this year Last years Class Percentages: 84%83%82% This years Class Percentages: 92%86%88% Variations Progress Grades Overall
Opt 1: No partner work at all. Opt 2: Once in awhile have partner work during daily math, but not each day. Opt 3: Once in awhile have partner work during daily math, but not each day. Have partner quizzes. Opt 4: Always have partner work during daily math. Opt 5: Always have partner work during daily math. Have partner quizzes. Opt 6: Don’t care. What is needed for successful partner work? 1.Have the opportunity to pick your own partner. 2.Have some personal think time before going into partner work. 3.Understand the material. 4.Partner must understand the material. What is needed for successful partner work? 1.Have the opportunity to pick your own partner. 2.Have some personal think time before going into partner work. 3.Understand the material. 4.Partner must understand the material.
Collect data for a longer period of time and different types. Student Consistency Alternatives for Absences Plan ahead when adding Partner work Teach students how to be partners Process of Action Research Overall Class Teacher Role
Crumpton, H. E. & Gregory, A. (2011). “I’m Not Learning”: The Role of Academic Relevancy for Low-Achieving Students. The Journal of Education and Research, 104, doi: / Esposto, A.S. & Weaver, D. (2011). Continuous Team Assessments to Improve Student Engagement and Active Learning. Journal of University Teaching & Learning Practice, 8(1), Hafen, C. A., Allen, J. P., Mikami, A. Y, Gregory, A., Hamre, B., Pianta, R.C. (2012). The Pivotal Role of Adolescent Autonomy in Secondary School Classrooms. J Youth Adolescence, 41, doi: /s Muller, M., Yankelewitz, D., & Maher, C. (2011) Sense Making as Motivation in Doing Mathematics: Results from Two Studies. The Mathematics Educator, 20(2), Rowan-Kenyon, H. T., Swan, A.K., & Creager M. F. (2012). Social Cognitive Factors, Support and Engagement: Early Adolescents’ Math Interests as Precursors to Choice of Career. National Career Development Association, 60, 2-15.