HF 2008 : Status and Plans CMS Week, February 2008 Aldo Penzo HCAL Commissioning Status (INFN-Trieste, Italy) (23 February 2008)
HF TO-DO JAN-APR 2008 Commissioning HF- (R/O, Ped, LED) –Mapping checks –Light-leaks –Compare UX5 to B186 Complete HF± services: –N2 inertion system –C-rails –Laser, RADDAM –Source tubing and drivers Integration TOTEM/CASTOR/BSC Source calibration Ready to move
HF 2008 Schedule, Draft #4 (AP+SP+KC+IS)
HF 2008 Schedule, Draft #4 (Ct’d)
HF task assignements HF ± Services: –N2 final assembly (panels, flowmeters) [Ianos, Sasha] –Source tubing and drivers installation [Ianos, Olga] –Rad Monitors installation [MSU - Ershov] –C-rails and ROBox extractor [TTU - Sorina] –Laser fibers [Sorina, Vasken] –RADDAM implementation [UoI – JeanPierre] HF - commissioning [Alexi, Kerem] –Compare data samples [Salim, Dmitry] –HF - commissioning team: Aldo, Alexi, Kerem, Dmitry, Numan, Salim, Sorina + Ianos, Olga, German, Serguei, Sasha, Vitali, … + Lisa, Ferhat, Efe, Jean-Pierre, Arjan, Richard(s) [Report to /(advice by) Andris, Pawel,…]
HF - commissioning status Pedestals: –Initially 4 channels bad – black cables (ROBOX’s – QIE) cause – 3 repaired/1 replaced - Now all 864 pedestals OK Mapping/cabling: –found mismatch between HF - e-map and HF - cabling ( ) –temporary cabling change, then map change (cabling restored) –still debating…, However: Pedestal comparison (B186 vs UX5) ≈OK! HV switched on: –progressively (possible light 1100 V LED timed in: –Found 4/864 missing LED channels (investigating…)
Pedestal comparison betwen B186 and UX5 HFminus, ROBOX: 1,2,3 Plots from Dima Vishnevskiy: Blue squares – B186 measurements, green triangles -- UX5 measurements, run Missing one channel Appears in next ROBOX HF crate 1, roboxes 1,2, and 3 Has to be here
Pedestal comparison between B186-UX5 Plots from Salim Cerci
During 1100 V Plots from Kerem Cankocak Problematic channels fixed (cable problem)
LED V Run Improve timing & pedestal subtraction No LED from 4 channels Comparison with B186 ASAP DQM plots :
Source tubing & driver Ianos +Olga +Russian techs
C-rails& ROBox extractor tool C-rails (pre-Sorina) C-rails & extractor tool (post-Sorina) 2008/02/22
Sourcing in garage:preparations First meeting with RP (Pawel+Vitali+Aldo) Preparing sourcing procedures Installation safety controlled doors Establish interlock systems RP rough estimate of dose rate: –source: Co MBq - shielding: 20cm plexi, 2 cm Fe, 4cm Pb –distance: –at contact ~25 µSv/h – at 40 cm ~4 µSv/h (sounds good, but no distance given from Pb to the garage doors...) Reminder: - Before the first run, non-designated area, people don't wear dosimeters, the ambiant dose rate should be below 0.5 µSv/h - After the first run, at least supervised area, people will have to wear a valid dosimeter, the ambiant dose rate should remain below 3 µSv/h
HF Calibration Optical Fiber Path 9 PMT Boxes / Quad 24 PMT Tubes / Box 216 PMTs / Quad 864 PMTs / Side 1728 PMTs Total N 2 Laser 300 QQ 150m HF HF + 9 PMT Boxes QP Calib Box 1 4 Counting Room 300 mJ 337 nm Bottom Rack Calib Box Top Rack Calib Box Calib Box Bottom Rack Top Rack QP 300 QQ Done: Sorina+Vasken+German+Maurizio
HF RADDAM System Splitters, adaptors, WLS Scintillator OK Some long fibers broken → repaired Assemble, install, test 150m HF HF + 9 PMT Boxes 1 → 4 Scintillator/ WLS N 2 Laser 300 mJ 337 nm
Nitrogen system for HF+ or HF- (Ianos+Alexandre Vishnevski) Pressure reducer Ball valves Near side Rubber hose Far side Panels with flow meters (200 l/h) 6 – 8 bar 1 – 2 bar Manifolds have independent fluxes Flux in any manifold can be increased many times in respect to nominal one Possibility to control flux in Gas Room Ball valve on supply pipe provides cutting of flux in chosen manifold.
Other Items RAD Monitors ready to install RADDAM : Main issue transmission fibers; BSC ready for installation? CASTOR/TOTEM infrastructures?
HF - : risky situation noticed… Cables in standard chain Cables loose on bottom of trench
Rad Monitors
CASTOR/TOTEM infrastructures Support table Gas rack
HF in UXC55 Coming OUT and UP! When?
The HF group is rather chaotic, but in general well-intentioned, and heading in the right direction…