Human Origins in Africa Prehistory Human Origins in Africa
How did it all start? PREHISTORY - Dates before the invention of writing ARCHAEOLOGY- study of past societies through analysis of what people left behind. Scientists had to rely on clues or ARTIFACTS. ARTIFACTS are remains, such as tools, jewelry, and other human-made objects. Artifacts might tell how people dressed, their job, or how they worshiped. These all help re-create a picture of early people’s behavior.
In 1978, prehistoric footprints were discovered in an East Africa nation and they resembled those of modern humans. The footprints were made by humanlike beings now called Australopithecines. Humans and other creatures that walk upright, such as the Australopithecines, are called HOMINIDS. Walking upright helped them travel distances more efficiently.
Progress during the Old Stone Age Invention of tools, mastery over fire, and development of language occurred during the Stone Age. 2 parts of the Stone Age Paleolithic Age (Old Stone Age) Neolithic Age (New Stone Age)
Homo Habilis A fossil was discovered in East Africa and scientists named it Homo Habilis, which means “man of skill.” Tools made of lava rock were found around Habilis. The tools were used to cut meat and crack open bones. He is considered the 1st toolmaker.
Homo Erectus Homo Erectus, another kind of hominid, appeared in East Africa. Homo Erectus were more intelligent and adaptable than Homo Habilis. Erectus used technology --ways of applying knowledge, tools, and inventions to meet their needs Erectus 1st to migrate (move) from Africa. Erectus 1st to use fire. Fire helped them keep warm, cook food, and settle new lands. Erectus might have developed the beginnings of spoken language.
The Dawn of Modern Humans Many scientists say Homo Erectus turned into Homo Sapiens, the name for us. Homo Sapiens means “Wise men.” Early groups of Homo Sapiens were: Neanderthal and Cro-Magnons
Neanderthals They had heavy slanted brows, muscular, and thick bones They were resourceful. Lived in caves or shelters made of wood or animal skins. Survived for 170,000 years and then vanished.
Cro-Magnons Existed 40,000 years ago They had Superior hunting strategies They planned their hunts (Studied animals’ habits and stalked their prey) Cro-Magnons were advanced in spoken language These things helped them outlast the Neanderthals
Early Civilizations To be a civilization, a culture must have certain key traits. 1. Cities 2. Specialized Workers 3. Advanced Tools and Technology 4. Complex Institutions (Organizations or Gov.)