SCHOOL PLACEMENT OPTIONS General Education Home School General Education with related services (resource room/pull out/push in) General Education with Special Education Teacher Support Special Education Classroom Self Contain Classroom Day Treatment Residential Treatment Center School Hospital-Temporary Approved non Public School
General Education A minor who turns 6 on or before December 31 is required to attend full time instruction from that September and remain in attendance until the last day of the session in the school year in which the minor turns 17. Back
Home School Home Instruction is designed for students in need of instructional services while they are confined to their homes because of a medical, orthopedic, or serious emotional condition. This must be approved by the Department of Health or the Committee on Special Education. Students in grades K-6 receive a minimum of 5 hours of home instruction per week; students in grades 7-12 receive a minimum of 10 hours per week. Back
General Education with related services (resource room/pull out/push in) Educational services provides educational support through a variety of services including audiology, speech therapy, sign language interpreting, note-takers, counseling, tutoring, transition services and work-study programs. Consists of three components: Related Service Program provides auditory training, speech reading, receptive and expressive language development, speech and academic support. Resource Room Program provides additional help for students in need. Self-Contained Program provides instruction in a separate setting with a smaller pupil to teacher. English Language Learners (ELL) provides special English language instruction to students in need. Available programs include: Transitional Bilingual: instruction in two languages. As English proficiency increases, percentage of instruction in English increases. English as a Second Language (ESL): instruction is in English only. "Dual Language: instruction is 50 percent English, 50 percent another language." Back
General Education with Special Education Teacher Support Depending on the student's individual needs, the LRE could be: • the general education classroom, with supplementary aids and services (such as special education teacher support); Back
Special Education Classroom Children with special needs are provided with an individualized education plan and services based on an evaluation conducted by the school. Special-needs students may either be placed in a local school that can meet the student's needs or in a Specialized school better able to provide the educational services to students with severe disabilities, including home and hospital instruction. Back
Self Contained Classroom A self-contained special class, for part of the day, within the neighborhood school with the student spending the remainder of the day in the general education classroom or in activities with students who do not have disabilities. A self-contained special class full-time, within the neighborhood school. A self-contained special class full-time in a separate, specialized school. Back
Day Treatment The day treatment program provides an alternative for at-risk youths so they do not have to be removed from their families and placed in residential programs. Instead, they spend six hours each day in school, even in the summer, and return home in the evenings. Each student works with day treatment teachers to design an individual education plan outlining the goals and expectations of both staff members and the youths. They then work toward those goals at their own pace. Back
Residential Treatment Center School Students whose severe educational needs require related and rehabilitative services on a twenty-four hour basis in order to facilitate management of the student's educational needs, achievement of IEP goals and maintenance of educational gains provided in the school. Back
Hospital-Temporary This program is highly restrictive and segregated in nature, providing little or no opportunity for participation with non-disabled peers. This high level of care is appropriate only for students for whom detailed evidence of lack of an appropriate public facility for instruction has been documented. Back
Approved non Public School Approved non-Public Schools provide a range of special class services full-time for students whose educational needs require intensive educational, rehabilitative, and/or clinical services--which cannot be provided appropriately in a public school facility--on a continual basis. Non-public school programs include both day schools and residential services. Back