Self Care for the Practitioner Jackie Hallberg, LMSW
Self Check Breathe Seat/Location? Scents/Noise? Temperature Restroom Needs Phone Challenge Learning Needs/Creating Breathe
This workshop is focused on keeping you healthy and happy ~ just like what we want for our patients!
Stress ~ A state of mental or emotional strain or tension resulting from adverse or very demanding circumstances. A physical or mental state that disrupts the body’s normal state of functioning.
***Trauma Alert*** Compassion Fatigue ~ A deep physical, spiritual or emotional exhaustion accompanied by strong emotional pain from being full of other people’s trauma.
Burnout ~ A syndrome or disorder of emotional exhaustion, depersonalization and a decreased sense of personal accomplishment. Feelings of helplessness/hopelessness.
Stress Vs Burnout Stress, with more stress, with a bunch more stress, with too much stress equals burnout. Stress leads to anxiety; burnout leads to depression. Stress and burnout levels/onset varies by each individual and type of stress experienced.
Burnout Warning Signs Descent into exhaustion Increased effort with no result Loss of belief of a better future Feelings of despair/hopelessness Not being able to “recharge” Being disengaged/feeling “checked out” Cynicism
Burnout Prevention Prioritize your Self Care! What would you tell your patients to do? Breathe
Personal Self Care Meditation/Breathing Self Soothing/Self Regulating Activities Exercise/Sports Hobbies/Creative Outlets Reading/Learning Healthy Eating/Laughter Socializing/Pets Wellness/Doctor Appointments
More Personal Self Care Limit Negative Images/Social Media Volunteering/Community Involvement Spiritual Engagement Music/Sounds/Sensory Pleasing Stimuli Comfortable/Confident Clothing Saying No/Commitment Review Creating a “Safe Sanctuary” Others??
Professional Self Care Take Breaks/Distancing Training/Professional Development Supervision/Coworker Support Advocating for Yourself Session Review (play, meditate, laughter) Workflow Integration (schedule/load) Office Environment/Sanctuary Others??
Self Care Activities Y & T (Stretching) Creating Your Environment Simple Meditation/Breathing Visualization Establishing Your Support System Session Review (play, meditate, laughter) Workflow Integration (schedule/load) Office Environment/Sanctuary Others??
Establishing Support Systems Who can you turn to without being judged? Who is your rock? Who doesn’t suck away your energy? Who can bring you joy? Who can you debrief with (confidentially)? Partner/Family/Friends/Pets? Co-workers/Supervisors/Larger Alliance? Spiritual/Community Connections
Jackie Hallberg, LMSW Behavioral Health Consultant Hackley Community Care/Teen Health Center Nelson Elementary/Muskegon Public Schools