Submitting Sequenced BACs Robert Buels SGN
Purpose and Scope Provide well-organized archive of sequencing data for the tomato genome sequencing project, including: finished BAC sequences chromatograms assembly files annotations
BAC Submission Guidelines A comprehensive BAC submission format exists (see handout, pp. 4-5). If we all follow this format, the data will be much easier to work with.
Problems Not all submissions follow the submission guidelines. Irregularities in naming, directory structure, submission file contents. FTP site does not separate finished and unfinished sequences. Result: data is harder to work with than it should be!
Problems To address these problems: We improved the directory structure of the FTP site. Corrected existing submissions to follow submission guidelines. We made a new submission system that checks submission guidelines.
New FTP Structure tomato_genome/bacs/ chr01/ chr02/... chr12/ bacs.seq finished_bacs.seq README
New FTP Structure tomato_genome/bacs/ chr01/ chr02/... chr12/ bacs.seq finished_bacs.seq README all seqs
New FTP Structure tomato_genome/bacs/ chr01/ chr02/... chr12/ bacs.seq finished_bacs.seq README all seqsfinished seqs
New FTP Structure tomato_genome/bacs/ chr01/ chr02/... chr12/ bacs.seq finished_bacs.seq README all seqsfinished seqsvalidation script
New FTP Structure tomato_genome/bacs/ chr01/ unfinished/ finished/ C01HBa0088L02.all.xml C01HBa0088L02.seq C01HBa0088L02.tar.gz C01HBa0216G16.all.xml C01HBa0216G16.seq C01HBa0216G16.tar.gz...
New FTP Structure tomato_genome/bacs/ chr01/ unfinished/ finished/ C01HBa0088L02.all.xml C01HBa0088L02.seq C01HBa0088L02.tar.gz C01HBa0216G16.all.xml C01HBa0216G16.seq C01HBa0216G16.tar.gz... separate finished and unfinished
New FTP Structure tomato_genome/bacs/ chr01/ unfinished/ finished/ C01HBa0088L02.all.xml C01HBa0088L02.seq C01HBa0088L02.tar.gz C01HBa0216G16.all.xml C01HBa0216G16.seq C01HBa0216G16.tar.gz... separate finished and unfinished submission
New FTP Structure tomato_genome/bacs/ chr01/ unfinished/ finished/ C01HBa0088L02.all.xml C01HBa0088L02.seq C01HBa0088L02.tar.gz C01HBa0216G16.all.xml C01HBa0216G16.seq C01HBa0216G16.tar.gz... separate finished and unfinished submissionsequence
New FTP Structure tomato_genome/bacs/ chr01/ unfinished/ finished/ C01HBa0088L02.all.xml C01HBa0088L02.seq C01HBa0088L02.tar.gz C01HBa0216G16.all.xml C01HBa0216G16.seq C01HBa0216G16.tar.gz... separate finished and unfinished annotationssubmissionsequence
New Submission System Developed to automatically check submission formatting, analyze submissions, and publish them on the FTP site. Also improves turn-around time since it is mostly automatic.
New Submission System checks submission guidelines C01HBa0001A01.tar.gz C01HBa0001A01/ chromat_dir/ edit_dir/ phd_dir/ seq_dir/ C01HBa0001A01.seq >C01HBa0001A01 ATGCCTACGAT...
New Submission System checks submission guidelines C01HBa0001A01.tar.gz C01HBa0001A01/ chromat_dir/ edit_dir/ phd_dir/ seq_dir/ C01HBa0001A01.seq >C01HBa0001A01 ATGCCTACGAT... submission is tar.gz file, named for BAC
New Submission System checks submission guidelines C01HBa0001A01.tar.gz C01HBa0001A01/ chromat_dir/ edit_dir/ phd_dir/ seq_dir/ C01HBa0001A01.seq >C01HBa0001A01 ATGCCTACGAT... submission is tar.gz file, named for BAC self-named subdirectory
New Submission System checks submission guidelines C01HBa0001A01.tar.gz C01HBa0001A01/ chromat_dir/ edit_dir/ phd_dir/ seq_dir/ C01HBa0001A01.seq >C01HBa0001A01 ATGCCTACGAT... submission is tar.gz file, named for BAC self-named subdirectory self-named sequence file
New Submission System checks submission guidelines C01HBa0001A01.tar.gz C01HBa0001A01/ chromat_dir/ edit_dir/ phd_dir/ seq_dir/ C01HBa0001A01.seq >C01HBa0001A01 ATGCCTACGAT... submission is tar.gz file, named for BAC self-named subdirectory self-named sequence file self-named sequence Checks the formatting of your submission. Avoids having to retry uploads to correct formatting. ~$./ C01HBa0001A01.tar.gz C01HBa0088L02.tar.gz passed. ~$ On your machine...
Submission Process 1.Use to verify that your submission is properly formatted. 2.Upload with scp to, using your login and password. 3.When finished, the submission cron job will notice it and process it.
Submission Process 4.If properly formatted, you will see it on the FTP site within hours. 5.Otherwise, you will receive an asking you to correct the format and retry the submission.
Questions? Suggestions for improvement of FTP site? Suggestions for submission process?