Create Your Own Webpage
Today’s Agenda Learn about uploading your site Meet in small groups to share work Present
Uploading Your Site Free hosting options: –—requires your name and address, so ask your parents first – – 7 day delay on using their FTP feature – Google and ask your friends for recommendations! Look for FTP access
Working with a hosting site Most offer FTP over a web browser Look for File Manager or Upload Files options Paid hosting –May have to setup a FTP account –Login, password, and usually your domain name –Then you can use a FTP program like Filezilla or WS_FTP, etc.
Useful Sites HTML: CSS: Color Schemes: Browser Stats: stats.asp
Group Activity Same Groups as yesterday! Each group uses ONE computer. One presenter, one computer. No other computers in use!
Your Assignment… Take turns presenting your site to the group –What pages did you create –Why did you chose the color scheme you did? –Why does your navigation structure work for you? –What other pages do you need to create? Offer constructive criticism of the site –Can you find what you are looking for? –Can you read it well? –Do you have any questions not answered on site? When your group is done, work on your site.