USQCD regional grid Report to ILDG 14
05/28/09ILDG14, June 5, US Grid Usage Growing usage of gauge configurations in ILDG file format. Fermilab repository contains 26,200 configurations in ILDG format (total MILC and anisotropic clover). Ensembles accessible to members of the “ILDG” VO (read only) and the “LQCD” VO (read/write). Many consumers of the US lattices have accounts at Fermilab and access configurations by means other than SRM/grid-ftp. Demand is growing for grid file transfers among US facilities. Working with developers at Argonne LCF (Blue Genes) and Open Science Grid to enable grid file transfers.
05/28/09 US infrastructure ILDG Metadata catalog located at JLab ILDG Metadata catalog located at JLab File catalog also at JLab File catalog also at JLab – Simple mapping of LFNs to transfer URLs – DB will be needed to manage replicas Single storage element is one of the Fermilab tape robots. Single storage element is one of the Fermilab tape robots. ILDG portal client/index.jsp ILDG portal client/index.jsp Info page Info page
05/28/09 US ILDG Status
05/28/09 Gauge Connection Web portal to share gauge configurations (MILC initially) Web portal to share gauge configurations (MILC initially) Gauge archive format predating ILDG. Gauge archive format predating ILDG. Managed by Jim Hetrick (MILC). Managed by Jim Hetrick (MILC). Hosted by NERSC. Hosted by NERSC. NERSC has proposed modernizing the GC in order to create a “Science Gateway” useful to scientists doing HPC computing.
05/28/09 Gauge Connection Upgrade NERSC developers working with Jim Hetrick to gather requirements. New user interface New user interface Dynamic html content + RDBMS. Dynamic html content + RDBMS. Add upload and downloads via grid tools. Add upload and downloads via grid tools. ILDG presence ILDG presence – Storage element – File catalog replication / ILDG search – Replication of files stored elsewhere