The Belgian Chapter of PRMIA 18 Sept 2014 The Professional Risk Managers’ International Association
PRMIA – the Global Organisation The Professional Risk Managers ’ International Association (PRMIA) is the world ’ s leading risk professional ’ s association. PRMIA supports risk management in financial industries and financial risk management in non- financial industries 75,000+ risk professionals from all segments of the financial services industry 196 countries, 60+ chapters Member-led, grass-roots organisation A “ not for profit ” organisation and an educational charity Governance – owned by members, no shareholders Code of Risk Best Practice, Conduct and Ethics
“A higher standard for risk professionals” Bringing people and ideas together across cultures and industries – through events and through the website Member-led, member-driven – it provides a forum for members with meetings, focus groups and resources Providing exams (the PRM and the Associate PRM) for people who want to learn, to demonstrate their skills and advance their careers Developing and setting standards for the Risk Professional and the Risk Profession What PRMIA is about
PRMIA Belgium Chapter Financial Sector Risk Practitioners EU Institutions & Policy Makers Academia & Students Regulators Think Tanks Non-Financial Sector Financial Risk Practitioners
Becoming a member of PRMIA ? Many excellent online webinars each week; Online classroom trainings covering current important topics & live classroom training offerings; Research and white papers on current topics; Quant-cast audio with discussions from thought leaders; and A vast online resources section with ideas and best practices on a variety of risk topics. As a member, there is also the capability of taking the Associate Professional Risk Manager training and certificate, and the prestigious Professional Risk Manager – the “PRM” designation training and exams. The membership options really provide a membership level for anyone interested in the risk profession. Contact or visit
Today’s topic Operational Risk Management for Financial and Non-Financial Institutions Catherine Van Doorslaer: OR Manager ING Belgium Jo Willaert: Corporate Risk Manager AGFA-GEVAERT