Monterey Accelerated Research System MARS: Monterey Accelerated Research System
What Is MARS? The Undersea Cable Observatory Allows scientists to monitor their instruments in real time Connects equipment to a power supply Sends data instantaneously to researchers' computers
Components 1. Underwater Cable 2. Science Node
The Science Node Trawl-Resistant Frame Yellow flotation block Yellow flotation block Two titanium cylinders
Experiments Eye-In-The-Sea ALOHA Mooring Seafloor Seismometer ALOHA Mooring Seafloor Seismometer Benthic Rover Deep Sea Environmental Sample Processor
Eye-In-The-Sea Sensitive camera that records bioluminescent sea creatures Uses only red light for illumination Lures animals into visibility
ALOHA Mooring Buoy, half-mile long cable, vertical profiler Other instruments can be attached to float Constantly measures salinity, temperature, oxygen, and backscatter in water column
Seafloor Seismometer Part of 880 seismometer network Sits West of San Gregorio Fault, monitors Pacific plate Gathers valuable information about the earth's interior
Benthic Rover Mobile lab that charts deep-sea carbon cycles Measures oxygen levels in sediment Can function up to a year
Deep-Sea Environmental Sample Processor Robotic DNA lab that tests for new life forms Contains all the chemicals, computers, and containers of a full-size laboratory Has to deal with the cold and extreme pressure of the deep sea
History MBARI put team together: University of Washington, NASA, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute NSA approved grant in September 2002 First Obstacle: drilling permits Second Obstacle: the medium voltage power system Finally put together on site in February 2008 Power connector on TRF failed after 20 minutes Fully operational November 2008
The Future: Deep Sea Testbeds