Safeguarding Briefing for education Autumn term 2015 Whilst you are waiting please complete the first part of the evaluation form, relating to evidence of impact
Agenda 2.00pm Welcome and multi-agency safeguarding updates Update about the multi-agency safeguarding hub (MASH) (Balbir Kaur) 2.30pm pm Safeguarding in education updates (Sarah Turner) Including:- Prevent, Ofsted and FGM 3.00p pm (Huw Ford) E safety updates 3.30pm pm ‘Speak Out, Stay Safe’ - Presentation by Kevin West, NSPCC
Prevent – 4 key themes Risk assessment Working in partnership Staff training IT policies
Actions to consider…. Review existing policies using the LA model policy, revised in July 2015 Complete a learning walk to look at evidence of how your school is teaching ‘British values’ As a minimum ensure that the Designated Safeguarding Lead undertakes Prevent awareness training and is able to provide advice and support to other members of staff on protecting children from the risk of radicalisation. Staff should be equipped with necessary skills to identify children at risk and to challenge extremist ideas All curriculum leaders to ensure that their curriculum meets the requirement of modern Britain and being able to signpost British Values in it
Mandatory reporting of Female Genital Mutilation Mandatory reporting of female genital mutilation: procedural information (Oct 31 st 2015) gives an understanding of the legal requirements and a process to follow statutory duty to report FGM if they become aware that a child (i.e. someone under the age of 18) has undergone FGM limited to those situations where FGM is 'visually identified' by the professional concerned (e.g. when providing intimate care to the girl in question) or 'verbally disclosed' by the girl in question
Safer working practice guidance for adults who work with children and young people (Code of conduct) Updated by the Safer Recruitment Consortium, a group which includes the Lucy Faithful Foundation and a number of very experienced LA education safeguarding leads. Endorsed by the DfE. The updated version includes:- continued developments in technology and its uses (and abuses) learning and recommendations from some important Serious Case Reviews
Feeling Safe survey 2015 Well done to:- Colebrook Juniors, Lainesmead, Mountford manor, Oakhurst, Tregoze, Wanborough, Westrop Log in details are as follows:- Primary survey Secondary survey
Jobs for this term Complete safeguarding audit Check that all staff and regular volunteers have read the updated part 1 of KCSIE (July 2015 version) Circulate the Prevent duty guidance for staff to read Ensure any new staff have read the safer worker practice guidance and signed Complete the Feeling Safe survey